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  • #176661

    Tea, white no sugar and a bacon sandwich pls.


    for gawds sake someone knee him in the nutz and be done with it.


    I am not a religious person.
    I was merely putting the contradiction to the eye for an eye statement as I learnt to do so in the debating society at school. hehe


    Just an idea but why don’t you pay a hooker to do it?? Am sure she’d gladly just kick ya in the nuts than have to turn usual tricks. She could even look at it as a day off but still get paid….



    As I am not in Wales and my bf would possibly have issues with my bodily parts making contact with ya ballbag I have to decline your kind offer of kicking you in the nutz. Many thanks for considering me though. haha


    Quite often the drugs that people are put onto for depression can further enhance the feelings of self harm and suicidal thoughts and tendancies for the first few weeks before making the person begin to feel better.

    My sister had post natal depression but not so severe that she went doolally

    Many women do get post natal depression and sail through to recover but add into the mix not being able to communicate with anyone outside your 4 walls coz of language barriers…. the possibliity that she has no one to turn to family wise in the uk……the chance that she’s spent the last 5 years within the boundaries of her home without a social life, as a woman who in some cultures are still second class citizens, with possibly only screaming children to keep her company???????

    I am not excusing her actions. She is guilty of Child Murder – the most heinous crime there is but I feel it is wrong to just assume that she guilty of cold blooded murder. She has to be a very sick woman. The worst part is when she comes out of her post natal depression…. if she ever does now, she has to live with the guilt of murdering her own children. Can you imagine the feeling of remembering them grow inside you, move, see them take their first breaths and then live with the knowledge that you took that away from them too. God help her.

    I cannot begin to imagine how her husband must feel, not only losing his babies but also the woman he loved has turned into a monster and now on top of all that he will be feeling guilty for not seeing it coming and stopping it. Poor poor man.

    Sad situation all round I think.


    See I can so see the advantages for a woman to kick ya in the rollocks… any woman scorned would do it i reckon….

    i just aint getting the advantage for you coz if i kicked ya in the nutz with my size 8s ya gonna be in casualty explaining to some (laughing) nurses why ya rollox is wrenched, black and the size of a melon.

    nope not feeling the moment.


    The bible also says….

    Thou shalt not kill….

    does it not?


    I don’t think abortions should be used in cases of accidental pregnancy. My personal outlook is that if you are old enough to have sex then you are old enough to face the consequences of having it. In this day and age with the morning after pill and a waiting list for parents wanting to adopt there is no need to murder a baby. I know a nurse who told me that sometimes babies that are aborted late cry in the sluice for a few minutes before they die. To me thats just sick.

    I myself was faced with the situation of being offered an abortion because when I had a 20 week scan it showed soft markers for a downs baby. I was given the choice… abort the baby or wait another 20 weeks and potentially have a special needs child. I took the risk an it paid off. I have a healthy daughter to show for it but even if she had not been she would still be a joy. Where there is life there is hope and it should be given a chance.

    I think they should lower the limit to 12 weeks for simply unwanted babies. At least up until this date the baby is not fully developed. Babies aborted after this date should only be done so if there are reasons which threaten its well being as a human being.

    Personally i think ignorance is bliss sometimes and its best to just see what nature delivers…

    Note to all the ppl who use abortion as birth control…. a baby is the nicest thing you can get from unprotected sex!

    and back to my original point…. if you can’t do the time (and its a life sentence) don’t do the crime!

    This is my humble opinion.


    ~Takes a bow~

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