ugo replied to the topic Please Help, I’m New…. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@meandrew wrote:
lol I used to put these BB up for site owners and never thought they would become so genral so this is really new to me in terms of what people are chatting about, and not really knowing each other. I guess it’s harmless fun at the end of the day.
Meeting up isn’t a question. Although I have known many people who use sites for…
Rachel J replied to the topic Please Help, I’m New…. in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 8 months ago
@meandrew wrote:
lol I used to put these BB up for site owners and never thought they would become so genral so this is really new to me in terms of what people are chatting about, and not really knowing each other. I guess it’s harmless fun at the end of the day.
Meeting up isn’t a question. Although I have known many people who use sites for…