have you ever done something to get your own back ?? my ex was really trying to wind me up one night cos he wanted a fight… i stayed calm and when he went to the loo i pi88ed in his vodka.. i sat there smiling to myself as he drank it, with the voice in my head singing ‘you’re drinking my wee wee nah nah nah nah nah nah’ .gross i know but it made my day :wink: :P :P
very mature
best way to get somone back is to let them know you don’t care about them, by trying to get revenge, shows you still care about them
I think I was being sarcastic, i know full well to get myself a woman, i need to master the art of adding xxmwahh to every sentance
you think you were being sarcastic ??? whats wrong ?? how come you dont know for sure ?? is it all that dope induced pink floyd rattling through your mind ?? you wanna watch that sh1t makes you paranoid and dillusional…it also inhibits your ability to spell simple words, such as, sentence and encourages the absence of mwahh, mind you if you’re still living in your tent moaning about the lack of loyalty etc; etc;…..p.s keep your dolly in your pram its only a bit of light hearted fun mwahh !! :twisted: :wink: