gerry, to me, the answer to your post is provided by nemesis imho I don’t see divorce as a sin – it’s often an escape from deep unhappiness and even suicide. The most unpleasant set of posts here lately (so far) seems to be provided by an upholder of ‘morality’ against sin – a real Old Testament type, with his denunciation of a woman tryng to resolve her problem as a ‘moo’.
I treat everyone equally judging as I find, I don’t lurk up womens backsides simply because they possess a vagina ignoring behaviour which is at best childish and at worst completely deranged. Rose Went could have an account here and she would receive pms asking if she has a cam informing her shes misunderstood due to testosterone clouding views again from a bunch of sex deprived men.
I used to have a friend who was married, to most he was a decent guy with a spine and fortitude of character… when his “wife” called he adopted this sick whining high pitched voice like a little girl lost looking for its mother. He was more of a dog than a man on a leash and I see similar traits exhibited by many men on here. If a man started a thread with the quite frankly ridiculous self attention seeking drunken rubbish we see from the usual characters, the man would be chastised, blocked and probably banned. What we have though are a bunch of lonely guys, whilst some may be relatively intelligent, pandering to this crap because they driven by hormones like a teenager just exacerbating the situation. At 16 I may have done something similar, but surely you are old enough to control your raging hormones and stop this sickly crawling to anything female online regardless of how they behave. All it does is give the impression you have doormat stamped on your forehead , behave like a man not someone with their tongue lodged so far up any female arse even when clearly mentally ill you are tickling their intestines. It doesn’t carry any favours with them sexually- just makes you look weak and spineless giving them the belief we all want to see more ranting BS.. most don’t so don’t speak for the rest of us on here.
It was his suggestion. The point in trying to make is that tis easy to judge, without pausing to think why people may cheat. Is it wrong? A sin? Personally I think yes but not one of us is sinless. Sin is like an arrow missing the bullseye, doesn’t matter how wide you miss the target, you still miss.
There’s no such thing as ” sin” unless you subscribe to a doctrine of religious rubbish which I don’t. Do you honestly think any paralysed man would be happy for his wife to go off and have sex with someone else? He only suggested it probably down to fear of losing her and is probably in turmoil with the whole thing. To imply it’s a happy scenario for both parties is naïve as it gets. Surely if she needs sexual stimulation, he has hands so can purchase a cucumber/large carrot to shove up the randy old bat?
There are a lot of things a sex toy doesn’t do, no love & affection, a nice foot rub, a back massage, a cuddle and kiss watching a movie together, regardless of that though, people should just leave relationships when the love is gone (instead of cheating). .
It’s still cheating , why can’t the dirty moo buy a vibrator ? Imagine being paralysed in a wheelchair and the wife saying ” Sorry love, your dick doesn’t work so I’m off to ride big Dave down the road”.
You clearly haven’t read the post as it’s stated the love hasn’t gone , but the wife has to go somewhere to satisfy her itch. Perhaps you are of the belief someone paralysed is incapable of ” watching a movie ” then?
There are a lot of things a sex toy doesn’t do, no love & affection, a nice foot rub, a back massage, a cuddle and kiss watching a movie together, regardless of that though, people should just leave relationships when the love is gone (instead of cheating). Life is short, why spend it being miserable, that way both parties can move on and find someone else. I read something a while ago, they reckon in about 80 years or so the majority of men and women will not be together anyway. The human race will continue but people will be picking and choosing how their children will look, what sex they will be, and all that stuff through all the advances they are making.
It’s still cheating , why can’t the dirty moo buy a vibrator ? Imagine being paralysed in a wheelchair and the wife saying ” Sorry love, your dick doesn’t work so I’m off to ride big Dave down the road”.
I wonder then if this “female friend ” was the one paralysed with the man stating he had sexual needs, so wandered down the road to ride Mrs Cartwright at number 23 if the same standards would apply? I’m not condemning the act, but to pretend it isn’t cheating because he is in a wheelchair is still wrong- where does it end? If the husband has a heart attack and is impotent, would the wife have carte blanche to ride any dick going?
People cheat for a myriad of reasons… Would you condemn a woman for seeking love and affection outside of an unhappy abusive marriage? Or a man who seeks comfort from a heartless wife? What about open marriages? Or ones where the partner cant enjoy intimacy? I know a close friend who cheats on her husband, he was paralysed in an accident, she loves him dearly, will never leave him but they no longer have sex, they cant, but at 33, she misses the sexual release. Another close friend stays with her abusive husband for the sake of her child and has cheated. Tis easy to condemn, not so easy to try and understand why people cheat.
It’s still cheating , why can’t the dirty moo buy a vibrator ? Imagine being paralysed in a wheelchair and the wife saying ” Sorry love, your dick doesn’t work so I’m off to ride big Dave down the road”.
well, the level of grown-up debate isn’t exactly high so far I guess it’s one of those topics.
Coming from someone who blows kisses at all women particularly ones exhibiting mental illness traits every day having online meltdowns, it’s hard to take you seriously. I can only assume its motivated by a high sex drive where you feel the need to suck up to women with the kissy kissy stuff continually- either way its painful to witness and embarrassing where men like you encourage the self absorbed attention seeking stupidity. It’s no wonder people take the piss out of the so called “serious chatters ” like you on here with parody profiles- rather than crawling up arseholes of ill women encouraging more posts motivated by whats in your pants typing xxxx have a wank mate and log off.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by magmanimous.
You are so funny Mister Q , a steam roller business running flat .. do you write these gags yourself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL LOL LOL . Don’t forget, it’s not the taking part its the winning that counts, yall have a nice day now