Mags… Where do our inbuilt morals come from? Please don’t accuse me of preaching, my views on morals dont stem from my faith, trust me, if they did, I would be doomed. So are you saying that cheating is wrong, immoral, in every single instance?
Our moral compass comes from a combination of nurture and nature ( inherited genetic predispositions and experiences in life) Do you read the bible to see if you can put the wrong colour bins out on a given day then echo ?
I already told you I haven’t read a lot of it I’m happy to debate with you but please don’t assume that just because I believe in God that I am somehow inferior to you or attack my beliefs. I’m not critisizing you for not believing, please don’t make this about my beliefs. Why do you think cheating is wrong? I don’t necessarily disagree with you, I’m just trying to debate it with you.
so if you “don’t read it a lot” why do you profess to follow a religion based on something you say you know nothing about? It seems to be a common theme from religious folk, they claim to be following a religion but haven’t a clue what the religion they claim to follow incorporates in verbal or written form.
What do you mean ” why do I think cheating is wrong”? You imply then you don’t think that, which is just as bizarre as your claims to be a Christian but not reading the bible.
Like it or not you live by the word of the bible every day.You have had a helliva lot of the bible crammed in to your head through your life since you were tiny. The law of the land was written from the bible, break some of the laws and you will soon find out how important it is. Stop being a silly boy and go read the bible, there,s a lot of good reading there.
You’re obviously a higher intelligent woman lol so please list me the laws that all stem from the bible and how they are applied with continuity in all known Christian countries. In layman terms incase it’s a bit deep ” list Gods laws” .. be interesting to see the number of people and cases arrested for adultery for eg which is one of the ten commandments. I’ll be back later to read Mrs Mensas reply
Mags… Where do our inbuilt morals come from? Please don’t accuse me of preaching, my views on morals dont stem from my faith, trust me, if they did, I would be doomed. So are you saying that cheating is wrong, immoral, in every single instance?
Our moral compass comes from a combination of nurture and nature ( inherited genetic predispositions and experiences in life) Do you read the bible to see if you can put the wrong colour bins out on a given day then echo ?
Like it or not you live by the word of the bible every day.. The law of the land was written from the bible, break some of the laws and you will soon find out how important it is. Stop being a silly boy and go read the bible, there,s a lot of good reading there.
Stop being so intrinsically stupid and read what you are actually writing. I don’t live by the bible and no modern law of the land is “written by the bible”.. just because murder is universally condemned in the law doesn’t mean it stems from the bible. We kill in wars which is murder so what happens to the bible then? The only reason you think there is lots of good reading in a book of fiction is because your brain doesn’t work properly with an extremely low IQ unable to see the bigger picture.
Scep.. At the risk of turning this into another “God” thread, the “mark” is absolute truth, perfection. We all fall short of that. If there is a God, who are we to judge? If there isn’t, who are we to judge? Who decides what’s right or wrong? The couple I am talking about have been married over twenty years, she is cheating with one man, a man she “uses” for sex. Why, when she loves her husband is what she is doing any more wrong than using a vibrator? And just to make my position clear, I am just offering a different view to the norm.
There is no such thing as ” perfection” .. how can you define what’s perfect? We are all conscious beings, have you not got the capability to lead a life with morals unless there is a book purportedly written by the word of God telling you what to do like a puppet on a string? Are you saying that people who don’t believe in God should therefore have license to do anything as there is no one to judge ?
What a ridiculous argument to equate using a vibrator to having sex with another man attempting to draw parallels between the two. Your friend is an utter disgrace and so are you for attempting not only to defend the indefensible but coin analogies with plastic inanimate objects as a reference. Answer me this, if my wife doesn’t want sex and I go out and fck Mrs Boggins at number 12 is that the same as me “cheating with my right hand in the bathroom” using your ridiculous vibrator analogy? Or more likely is it a case of your dirty friend attempting to mitigate her activity with pea brained associates saying ” go baby girl its fine , he isn’t bothered and jesus isn’t watching” kissy kissy kissy xx
You’re presuming again. If sin doesn’t exist, where do your morals come from? (I am genuinely curious) Sin exists for me, murder, rape, they’re not a sin? Call it wrongdoing if you like, tis sematics. I agree cheating is wrong, my question was who are we to judge, it all comes down to personal opinion.
Sin is considered to be a transgression against divine law ie one set out by “God”. As I don’t believe in God , don’t quote laws set down by something mythical and preach your rubbish about any “sin” coming from something that doesn’t exist.
Do you really need a copy of the bible to tell you how to lead your life with any morals like a little child? Morality is a subjective inbuilt mechanism which should encourage anyone not to think anyone would be fine with a randy wife getting sex away from some poor sod that was paralysed. As you say it’s personal opinion , and mine is people blowing kisses to mentally ill people because they are female due to loneliness/sexual frustration is fairly desperate and indicative of more of a mouse than man. It’s men like Sceptical who pander to the ego of these loons because of their own desperate circumstances in life.
I’d have more respect for your ” friend ” echo if she was candid about what she was doing instead of hiding behind this fallacy of it being fine. As though in reality any man would be happy with his wife to say,” bbl hun I’m off for some dick”
You can argue the morality of what she is doing but to dress it up as anything other than a woman hurting her husband to satisfy her own sexual appetite is disingenuous. Maybe if a woman can’t have sex after pregnancy and the guy says, “look I need it so will have to pop round the neighbours” that’s equally acceptable, what’s the difference? Your friend is a disgrace – simple as that and I feel sorry for the paralysed guy who must be in mental torment allied to his physical disabilities. The fact you associate with people like that speaks a great deal about who you regard as moral suggesting what your own character is like perhaps?
Sin is falling short of the mark, and we all do that. You are assuming a lot of things about him, and her. They love each other and he is in no way upset. Who decides what is “right?” You?
Any man would be upset at a woman he loves having sex with someone else.. jesus how naive can you be? Sin doesn’t exist, please stop mentioning it- it’s a figment of your own imagination encouraged by religion.
Magmanimous I never mentioned paralysed once, your quoting me from someone else’s post, I was replying to you simply about the vibrator comment, a vibrator does not do the things I mentioned, correct? You just totally twisted that… :)
I agree, but the post was in reference to echos post about the disabled/paralysed guy.. I don’t see how it can’t be classified as cheating regardless of sexual needs. That said, I may do the same as this woman but I wouldn’t pretend it’s anything other than what it is.