active 6 years, 4 months agoForum Replies Created
13 September, 2017 at 5:30 pm #1068811
Mag…… Let me if you will address the crowds of children, boys, girls, adults, male, female or both what ever you prefer… Love, ronance, trust, friends, relationships, bonds, is basically crock of shit.. You see let this professional oh what was it 17 jobs I have provide just a bitty, tiny story. Really fun for entertainment today. This area may just pop with extra amusement. You see for this fuck up, my guard shut completely, and mean completely 25 years ago. Wall up swore to those and the almighty, I would NEVER open that gate to emotion ever again, ever…pain so great, deep, yep I wanted to die. And no, not drinking now, do not need medication, and yes have all my marbles… So she came to jc, first time ever doing this admitted weakness, uncertainty wanting to just fit in..you know feel well kind of could. Different, really new… Not always easy I stayed as a few interesting. Made it worth ahh who knows. And then thinking, just thinking perhaps finally found that door open slightly, released pains of regret, fears, yes needs, desires..what ever any of you call it, to find out again, no not real..joke, challenge, personal bets, what ever, games, to again slice, dice, squeeze every last bit of hope ever trying to find happiness again. I don’t fit here. I am a workaholic and help others in which my personal own life is a mess. Helping others gives me that satisfaction. What that one person did to me here, begged, explainef, only to be reassured was a lie, joke, game. So folks, people said to in a forum early, should not take place here, why not, the game and destruction happen by more than one pretty sure. But the one opened door with…well ..nether mind. Hope satisfaction, hope bet well paid off.. And for the rest of those who read this. Have fun today on the expense of me. Why it is free isn’t it!!!
13 September, 2017 at 5:30 pm #1068809ok MAG… tell me what the spider is doing in one of me vids, if u dont answer this u obv the fake mags
Just the video is personal and not for public titillation . I tried to persuade one to go up you know where in my barn to see if it tickled for psychology /biology purposes but it refused to leave its web so don’t know how you got it to do what it did unless u had a cheerleader specialising in spiders. You didn’t expect it to carry the fly left as bait like a suitcase on holiday up there so its your own fault if you are left in pain – nothing I can do with you projecting this stuff to me . Anyhow its dirty, this thread is about fine wine, poetry , fine foods, maybe even lovemaking if a couple gets on after their date not getting sexual kicks from a spider.. I know you’re lonely but even I’m not that desperate ffs !
BTW if you still have the clip, pm me with it just for educational purposes. I searched youtube for ” incy wincy spider climbs up my spout” and got nothing so dunno if its been deleted but will pm you about the other video involving the spider which is too graphic for public consumption. I clicked send on the last pm but it bounced for some reason, just use warm water and hopefully it will force its way out in answer to you know what.
12 September, 2017 at 1:03 pm #1068728Further to this I came back in order to ascertain if the despicable behaviour had improved around a week later , here are the logs
Magmanimous: so have you cretins learned some manners since I was last here or are you still living in an idealistic world of inflating your tiny egos to match my levels
Merlin: Smirk
Guest 666: Go to hell Mags, you’re pathetic
CallMePuds: Ignore him guest, you say you are 82 , puds likes the older lady .. come to puds guest
Jantastic: All name hiders here
Koan: Ignore the wimmen , they just want to screw you over and take every penny you have . Have you noticed how they all flock to rich killers , they would drive any man gay
Magmanimous: Koan you have a pm ;)
Koan: Ive had some beauts in my time but the one in 1923 was a real beaut
Magmanimous: Koan are you like the rest in here not responding to pms, blocks koan c*cksucker!
CallMePuds: Come to puds Mags, guest 666 has left
Claire: Hi Leviticus
Guest: 372 : Claires stupid , no depth to her chat
CallMePuds: She is far from stupid 372, she has hidden depths puds is looking to explore later.. come to puds claire
Guest 372: Prove you aren’t stupid claire, what are your views on the afterlife
Claire: Hi death
Magmanimous: I can see my ubiquitous presence is wasted here , your all still idiots
Claire: Bye mags
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12 September, 2017 at 12:37 pm #1068726i did but idk who your trolls are cud u paste them in here?
This was the last conversation I had in there from the logs
Magmanimous: The whole lot of people in this room are projecting their weaknesses onto me and its pathetic to witness their discombobulation TBH
TheNorfolkMafia: I see mags has been googling fancy words to impress the ladies .. another epic fail
Merlin: Smirk
Claire: Hi Matthew
Claire: Hi Mark
Claire: Hi luke
Claire: Hi John
Magmanimous: so why aren’t you saying hi to me Claire, thought you were my friend but now I can see you are nothing but an evil self centred bitch. Blocks Claire*
Claire: Hi genesis
Magmanimous: I don’t even know why I come to speak to you scum sucking molluscs
Sassey: Mags don’t get angry , you’re a beautiful person
Magmanimous : Sassey you have a pm
Magmanimous : Sassey not replying?
Sassey: Hi suz, you are beautiful
Sassey : Mafia is beautiful
Magmanimous: You know what? Sassey you are nothing but a self centred wh*re – blocked
Sassey: Sorry Mags , I don;t have a cam ..relax you’re beautiful
Claire: Hi exodus
TheNorfolkMafia: You really are a pathetic tosser mags aren’t you
Magmanimous: your a complete dick mafia we all know that
TheNorfolkMafia: You’re *… Mags gets angry and the spelling gets worse
Merlin: Smirks
TheNorfolkMafia: Mags is seething again
Claire: Hi Joshua
Merlin: smirks
Guest 257 : Master says all the girls like moi but is that the case, the apple went to town with the fox in a beautiful submarine
Gucci : lol moi LOL xxxx
Claire: Hi Suz
Merlin: smirks
Sassey: Merlin is beautiful
Claire : Hi Ruth
Chrome : brb need to check on the yacht
Claire: Hi numbers
Guest 3747261834528 : well hello there
Magmanimous: You know what , you losers can keep projecting yaw insecurities , it dusnt bother me as unlike you fools I have a gf and a life so GET FCKED !
Claire: Hi Mags
Claire: Bye mags
1 member liked this post.
11 September, 2017 at 10:41 pm #1068698idk if that is the real MAG or what, if it is can you not log in the chat room with your login name?
Its me and I stopped going in the chatrooms after all the trolls continually projecting their insecurities on me all the time. At least I have the bottle to show my face unlike many of them so will stick to the boards. If you go in there, tell the trolls I have got a date so will mock them as we go for a picnic this weekend cackling with laughter at them in there all day again annoyed with jealousy .
11 September, 2017 at 12:28 am #1068662Where’s my pm? and where’s my snog ?
Tell me more about yourself hot stuff and you may get one xx
10 September, 2017 at 8:51 pm #1068637ok Linda I’ll forgive you on this occasion but somer , if he ever talks to me like that again … Anyhow my snog marry avoid choice has been updated now:
Snog- santa or alfie 😍
Marry- Mizzy 😘
10 September, 2017 at 7:35 pm #1068626hee haw hee haw , why don’t you f*ck off you dirty donkey
10 September, 2017 at 5:09 pm #1068613I will cook you both steak and fish for main course and then for dessert we can retreat upstairs for some spotted dick pudding x
10 September, 2017 at 5:04 pm #1068611I’m cooking as we speak ladies xx