I Like a beard on a man , it tickles when you kiss him and can provide all kinds of sensation but it must be well groomed as too long can be a real turn off.
I know I am all man here , are you jealous? I listened to your voicemail and you sound hideously old and nasty so have concluded you are basically WHITNEY PRETENDING TO BE BRITNEY on here old man. Talk to the hand baby boy cos THE FACE AINT LISTENING! Now if you dont mind I am pming my date for what time we are meeting at the cinema to watch Mr thunderpants so scuttle off back to your spider and leave us real men on the thread.
jn, why not go to your dating thread and leave this one to real men – your potential lovers are waiting on here, dont leave them dangling round disappointed
Not sure what they are called, but justnothing called the upper centre one babe when he was married to it.. it ended in a tangled web of lies and deceit with the fly in the ointment being JNs tiny willy that couldn’t bring any satisfaction.
Just, we know what you look and sound like , you told me you wanted to see thunderpants at the cinema.. well the dates cancelled , I’m going with someone else now 😘
ha look at fake mag still obs with me, u need help,
You gave me your number for the first link, I rang it and replayed your answer machine message so whats the problem? Its not my fault you sound like you are talking through a used toilet roll.