active 6 years, 5 months ago-
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
Stop being so intrinsically stupid and read what you are actually writing. I don’t live by the bible and no modern law of the land is “written by the bible”.. just because murder is universally condemned in the law doesn’t mean it stems from the bible. We kill in wars which is murder so what happens to the bible then? The only reason you think…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
There is no such thing as ” perfection” .. how can you define what’s perfect? We are all conscious beings, have you not got the capability to lead a life with morals unless there is a book purportedly written by the word of God telling you what to do like a puppet on a string? Are you saying that people who don’t believe in God should t…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
Sin is considered to be a transgression against divine law ie one set out by “God”. As I don’t believe in God , don’t quote laws set down by something mythical and preach your rubbish about any “sin” coming from something that doesn’t exist.
Do you really need a copy of the bible to tell you how to lead your life with any morals like a little…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
I’d have more respect for your ” friend ” echo if she was candid about what she was doing instead of hiding behind this fallacy of it being fine. As though in reality any man would be happy with his wife to say,” bbl hun I’m off for some dick”
You can argue the morality of what she is doing but to dress it up as anything other than a woman…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
Any man would be upset at a woman he loves having sex with someone else.. jesus how naive can you be? Sin doesn’t exist, please stop mentioning it- it’s a figment of your own imagination encouraged by religion.
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
I agree, but the post was in reference to echos post about the disabled/paralysed guy.. I don’t see how it can’t be classified as cheating regardless of sexual needs. That said, I may do the same as this woman but I wouldn’t pretend it’s anything other than what it is.
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
I treat everyone equally judging as I find, I don’t lurk up womens backsides simply because they possess a vagina ignoring behaviour which is at best childish and at worst completely deranged. Rose Went could have an account here and she would receive pms asking if she has a cam informing her shes misunderstood due to testosterone clouding …[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
There’s no such thing as ” sin” unless you subscribe to a doctrine of religious rubbish which I don’t. Do you honestly think any paralysed man would be happy for his wife to go off and have sex with someone else? He only suggested it probably down to fear of losing her and is probably in turmoil with the whole thing. To imply it’s a happy…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
You clearly haven’t read the post as it’s stated the love hasn’t gone , but the wife has to go somewhere to satisfy her itch. Perhaps you are of the belief someone paralysed is incapable of ” watching a movie ” then?
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
I wonder then if this “female friend ” was the one paralysed with the man stating he had sexual needs, so wandered down the road to ride Mrs Cartwright at number 23 if the same standards would apply? I’m not condemning the act, but to pretend it isn’t cheating because he is in a wheelchair is still wrong- where does it end? If the husband has a…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
It’s still cheating , why can’t the dirty moo buy a vibrator ? Imagine being paralysed in a wheelchair and the wife saying ” Sorry love, your dick doesn’t work so I’m off to ride big Dave down the road”.
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
Coming from someone who blows kisses at all women particularly ones exhibiting mental illness traits every day having online meltdowns, it’s hard to take you seriously. I can only assume its motivated by a high sex drive where you feel the need to suck up to women with the kissy kissy stuff continually- either way its painful to witness and…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic In Defence of Adultery? in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
Coming from someone who blows kisses at all women particularly ones exhibiting mental illness traits every day having online meltdowns, it’s hard to take you seriously. I can only assume its motivated by a high sex drive where you feel the need to suck up to women with the kissy kissy stuff continually- either way its painful to witness and…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic So i started a new business today…… in the forum Jokes and humourous links 7 years, 2 months ago
You are so funny Mister Q , a steam roller business running flat .. do you write these gags yourself? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL LOL LOL . Don’t forget, it’s not the taking part its the winning that counts, yall have a nice day now
magmanimous started the topic The Jc xmas song, get your dancing shoes on xx in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 2 months ago
I love this time of year, so instead of waiting for santa to come down our chutes with a full sack , lets get into the festive spirit early. One of my favourite singers is Susan Boyle , the voice of an angel and she sings my all time favourite song the drummer boy. Lie back and imagine me singing to you with my crackling chestnuts by a log fi…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Religion is like a penis……… in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
Sorry wrong thread x
magmanimous replied to the topic Religion is like a penis……… in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 2 months ago
magmanimous replied to the topic The poster known as cry baby to admin "Hugs and Winks" in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 3 months ago
Well William wordsworth was my great great grandfather so here goes nothing
Grey haired old Phil begging for a ban,
Up all night looking after his old nan,
He likes to moderate all day to impress women in chat,
Sadly the only pussy he will get is a stray tabby cat
He needs a life away from his chat logged phone,
bent over with morg…[Read more]
magmanimous started the topic The poster known as cry baby to admin "Hugs and Winks" in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 3 months ago
This wretched old man spends his day sending pms to Martin banning posters , surely its time to turn the tables and get him removed boring regulars to death with his incessant whining.
magmanimous started the topic The poster known as cry baby to admin "Hugs and Winks" in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 3 months ago
This wretched old man spends his day sending pms to Martin banning posters , surely its time to turn the tables and get him removed boring regulars to death with his incessant whining.
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