active 6 years, 5 months ago-
magmanimous replied to the topic Nearly but not in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 7 years, 1 month ago
As though anyone is going to read a war and peace length rant from someone who can barely string two coherent sentences together ranting in caps lock with a proven track record for cot death jokes, rape threats and abusing young girls. A retake of your English GCSE may be appropriate coupled with ability to write concise paragraphs instead of…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Nearly but not in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 7 years, 1 month ago
The real troll is Riot, a man phoning a young girls workplace, talking about cotdeaths, threatening to rape women and distasteful paedophilia. Accusations from Hugs calling anyone that disagrees with him a troll is like the boy who calls wolf falsely, it discredits real trolling and weakens cases against true perpetrators like Riot.
The problem…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
That isn’t trolling even though I cant stand the woman. My posts are genuine law breaking actions from “the troll hunters”, you ruin the thread/forum by posting nothing more than inane playground crap taking credibility away from everything posted before it .. get a life.
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
You have been spamming forum 2 for 24 hours non stop with screen shots of rape, cot death, threats to women, even phoning bosses with malicious lies of members here.. regardless of what you claim has been said or not said by others which you cant back up – you’re being arrested. Your screen shots just show name calling Riot, the screen shots of…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
An idiot ranting in caps lock with actual screenshots of filth about cotdeaths /rape threatening young girls phoning their work place has no credibility. I’ve argued with a few on here, but never stooped to those disgusting depths, there are lines that everyone on here doesn’t cross apart from you.
I have screenshots of your nonsense, you have no…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
Pretty desperate stuff phoning a young girls workplace
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
He has ( which will be confirmed by paige ) phoned her place of work and spoken to her boss trying to get her fired by malicious lies. Again this enters into criminal territory rather than chatroom nonsense.
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
He sent his social media/ skype details to a few women online in pm ( despite being married)and was found . I’d rather not put the links here so can pm you if you like which will show his pic/details. As said, we can all have disagreements on here as we have done for eg, but hope you would agree his comments have crossed a boundary any of us…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
People can make their own assertions over what type of character you are Riot. No one is rattled, I’m just exposing an obnoxious hypocritical idiot that spends all night in chat rattling out expletives about rape, cot death having the audacity to call others trolls. Your comments haven’t just transgressed chatroom rules, they have delved into an…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
My question to the people that run this site would be two fold:
Firstly why is someone idiotic mentally ill drug addict like riot being taken seriously by anyone and secondly and perhaps more pertinently … why is someone joking about women suffering cot deaths and rape displaying the obnoxious ranting tendencies of a deranged donkey on acid…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
Anyway while we are on the subject of screenshots ..
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
HEEHAW Linda BTWx What the hell does your quote mean- just more gibberish. I didn’t include you as I think you are an easy target with your terrible command of basic English and inability to communicate on even the most basic literary level. I don’t dislike you but that said, to say you are as mad as a box of frogs would be as obvious as…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
See the place for what it is , a collection of socially dysfunctional people suffering mental health problems… lets look at the examples:
Puds: an obese American logging in from his office claiming to be a “lawyer” chatting anything female up with a pulse saying come to puds on his grotty cam with his pants down
Hotpotatoes: A similar version…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Undercover in f2 a pitiful cycle in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
Approaching the police for comments in a chatroom lol.. summarises what a world of fcking idiots we live in now with no sense of perspective on anything. Some of you need to turn the news on and take a look at the real world of starvation, war, hunger, pestilence, and get a fcking grip. Anyone approaching police over comments in this place…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Blackpool Meet Jan 13 to Jan 15 2018 in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 1 month ago
btw for anyone coming ( we hope in every sense x ) the films have changed due to supply and demand. Instead of the nutty professor , we will be showing “Freddy got fingered ” and having eaten too much garlic last night, the clotted cream has gone off, so it is a dry spotted dick for…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Blackpool Meet Jan 13 to Jan 15 2018 in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 1 month ago
I’m posting this on the train enroute to Blackpool ! Me and the hubby have got to get to the hotel early as we are hosting the event.
Can I just remind all attendees , that although there isn’t a dress code we will be dining at the hotel so no baseball caps, trainers or breasts on show at the dinner table. There are two dinner menus so please…[Read more]
magmanimous replied to the topic Blackpool Meet Jan 13 to Jan 15 2018 in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 1 month ago
Yes, me and the husband will be there and incase anyone is wondering, we both offer a full room service x 💁✅
magmanimous started the topic Maggys joke thread in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
Put your jokes here.. Mister Qs jokes are so funny they will be hard to top so apart from logging into this place what are the best jokes you have heard
My favourite one is why did the chicken cross the road Answer: I have no idea HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Q: Whats a condom and a coffin got in common?
A: They both hold stiffs but on…[
magmanimous replied to the topic Blackpool Meet Jan 13 to Jan 15 2018 in the forum Getting serious 7 years, 1 month ago
magmanimous started the topic Advice required for my broken Bellend in the forum Chat forum three boards 7 years, 1 month ago
Hey guys,
After reading Mister Qs inspirational cycling stories I found the courage to buy a bike. It’s totally cool, a pinkish red with these totally great fairy lights that glow in the dark but the problem is the end of my bell has snapped off when I give it a tinkle. I live on an estate so need to warn off pedestrians when cycling ( not found…[Read more]
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