@catz wrote:
@Made up name wrote:
do an internet search on the side effects of the drug they bought…. make them read it.
if i had read the side effects on all the drugs i was going to take at 14, who knows i may have rememberd the 90’s :?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry shouldn’t laugh but ….
I was older than 15 in the 90s so spose I knew what I was doing :roll:
i was 16 in march 1990…. then all of a sudden it was 2000 :?
i spose the internet is the drug of today… no one sleeps for 2 to 3 days…. getting up for work on time is a thing of the past and you always put the world on hold till you finish that last line and all you’re thinking of the moment you have done it is the next :?
great now i gotta give up the internet :lol: