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  • #156309

    nope, just looked up and it’s the news :oops:


    Frank Brono, thing :? it’s crap


    keith sweat :oops:

    and i still got a Mc Hammer video :oops:


    @angel* wrote:

    And Doc……wtf are them prickly things next to the pint :lol:

    And next time make sure your stethascope is warm :wink: :lol:

    that’s a latte, not a pint :lol: and let’s say the things beside it are balls of sugar :D (in other words, i haven’t a clue)


    @angel* wrote:

    Seeing my hubby in so much pain :(




    DR Made up name 8)


    @Ow£n Ka$h wrote:

    I like those Made up name! 8)
    Can you post links to them please?

    right click them both and save them 8)

    the guitar one will open as a wallpaper as i havn’t resized it…the train track one was never a wallpaper and you’ll have to stretch it to fit screen…it doesn’t mess with the picture though :)


    this is what i got now

    and i think this is on it’s way :)




    @angel* wrote:

    @Made up name wrote:

    @angel* wrote:

    You passed out on Cuprofen :shock:

    Wimp! :lol: :lol:

    I don’t do pain killers unless I’m in real bad pain (like can’t walk) :lol:

    ok ok…….I’m a wimp….. but was a very happy, stoned one :lol:

    Well take it like a man :shock: :lol:

    Seriously tho………I hope that your ok……..and if not……….I hope you soon are xxxx

    thank you ……..I’ll be fine :wink:


    @angel* wrote:

    You passed out on Cuprofen :shock:

    Wimp! :lol: :lol:

    I don’t do pain killers unless I’m in real bad pain (like can’t walk) :lol:

    ok ok…….I’m a wimp….. but was a very happy, stoned one :lol:

Viewing 10 posts - 271 through 280 (of 455 total)