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  • #181641

    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    @Made up name wrote:

    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    If I want to go running, there’s a road outside.

    If I want to go weightlifting, there’s plenty of heavy things at work that need moving.

    If I want to see naked sweaty men, I’ll come out of the closet and buy a porno, not secretly bum them in the gym showers.

    ….. I don’t want to do either 3 of them :D

    Easy tiger :lol:

    go on about it anymore people will think you’re not very comfortable with your sexuality.

    now grab a can of John smiths or something and calm down lad :lol:

    every one knows i’m a tad camp! i don’t care

    john smiths is a poofy drink! real ale is the way to go 8)

    oh ok … carry on then old chap :D

    *bar tender martini please* :lol:


    goodnight :D


    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    If I want to go running, there’s a road outside.

    If I want to go weightlifting, there’s plenty of heavy things at work that need moving.

    If I want to see naked sweaty men, I’ll come out of the closet and buy a porno, not secretly bum them in the gym showers.

    ….. I don’t want to do either 3 of them :D

    Easy tiger :lol:

    go on about it anymore people will think you’re not very comfortable with your sexuality.

    now grab a can of John smiths or something and calm down lad :lol:


    @robyn wrote:

    @*Sian* wrote:

    I’d rather do Maury anyday :lol:

    :-… I’d rather do without :lol:

    I’d rather never mind :arrow:


    @tommy-toxen wrote:

    Men only go to the gym so they can be close to other naked, sweaty men.

    Sounds a bit gay to me

    alot are self obsessed, steriod taking nut cases….who don’t care to much about fitness, more along the lines of how good their arms look with the vest they’re wearing :roll:

    then you got the one’s who run, row, do a few weight’s…really don’t give a sh!t what they look like and just want to get it over and done with before they die…. (erm :oops: *puts hand up*)

    I’m not up for training partners in the gym and all that stuff…i don’t want my bum tapped when i’ve done good. I don’t want to look up just before i’m gonna start bench pressing to see a pair off balls in lycra passing me the bar :-…

    infact you’re right ….I’m not doing the gym no more, i feel sick :arrow:


    @*Sian* wrote:

    I’d rather do Maury anyday :lol:

    Isn’t he the old chat show bloke? :-…


    I get David Lloyds membership for nothing…. but think it’s worth around £70/80 pcm :?

    I wouldn’t pay for it :?


    @*Sian* wrote:

    @~*Lucky*~ wrote:

    used to reallllllllllllly like him, but he doesnt do it as much for me anymore either. prefer someone bit darker

    A girl with taste! :lol:

    his look’s are average/ok (some shot he looks like …nevermind :roll: he has got a very good body though :oops:

    not that i watched Mr and Mrs Smith cursing the air he breathed or anything :)


    @rainbowbrite wrote:

    Id like to see men put up with periods and giving birth.

    we don’t need to …. we leave all the easy jobs to you lot 8)

    *running the hell away* :arrow:


    @angie no cyber wrote:

    wot a boring question and a pointless thread!!

    and before u say ‘well dont read it then’ dont worry i wont read anymore!

    so wich would you choose? :-k

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