emmalush replied to the topic Another reason to vote BNP in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@madcat wrote:
I agree up to a point. It seems that those who just want to scrounge are alowed to stay whie those who have something to offer this country – students who want to be doctors/nurses/engineers etc – that we desperately need are being deported.
Trained nurses and doctors are not being deported. They are leaving because the pay here…[Read more]
Mrs Clean replied to the topic An example of prudes going to far? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@madcat wrote:
I love seeing babies breast feeding it’s so natural and right. I’m jealous of the mums who can do it because I didn’t have the chance. I was very ill after my baby was born and advised not to breast feed. Thank God for formula. Whatever a mum thinks is best for her baby is fine by me!
Getting into a state over an innocent…
cath 55 replied to the topic NAT West 3 in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago
@Mr Amphibian wrote:
@madcat wrote:
I can’t understand the ins and outs of this case but I read that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the men in the english courts & that they have had to go to America without their solicitors or evidence. They also will not be able to afford defence witnesses who need to be flown over to America – all…