• I’m proud to be British but Britain is a nation of immigrants. I probably have Roman, Norman, viking, french, celt and God knows what other type of blood in my veins. If I’m not british, can I be Roman? If all foreigners are to be repatriated, Italy is lovely and warm and the wine’s not bad either!

    Lets face it, even our Royal Family is German!

  • I love seeing babies breast feeding it’s so natural and right. I’m jealous of the mums who can do it because I didn’t have the chance. I was very ill after my baby was born and advised not to breast feed. Thank God for formula. Whatever a mum thinks is best for her baby is fine by me!

    Getting into a state over an innocent picture like that is…[Read more]

  • I have favourite films for different moods.

    If I’m feeling depressed it has to be Victor Victoria Funny & so so clever.

    If I’m feeling a bit mad then Rocky Horror or Little Shop of Horrors (Steve Martin – bliss!)

    Other favs (showing my age): Any Ealing Comedy, St Trinians, Happiest Days of your Life or anything else with Margaret…[Read more]

  • madcat replied to the topic DSS in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago

    Not at the moment but there has been times when I could swing for them!

    What have they done now?

  • As well as not being 100% convinced of a persons guilt in some cases, for some death is the easy option. For the likes of Rose West/ Hindley/Brady etc. they should be in one prison together – a proper lifers prison with no TV, papers, privacy etc. and left to rot.

    There are plenty of people in prison for murder/manslaughter who acted completely…[Read more]

  • I think that once both parties are responsible adults then the age gap shouldn’t matter. I read on another site about a 17 year old girl and a 35 year old man. This did make me think. At 17 you are not an adult. She should be with friends of her own age, making her mistakes etc and dealing with them. It also seems to be a touch of…[Read more]

  • @sweetasbaileez wrote:

    @madcat wrote:

    Put on a cotton T. Shirt & get in a cool shower. Wring out T.shirt while it’s still on & it gradually dries on you. Really cools you down & allows your body to breath. It’s great – especially at night.

    wouldn’t you feel like you’d pished the bed tho….not that i’d know you understand :oops: :D

    No. It…[Read more]

  • Couple of chav jokes…

    What do you call a chavette in a white track suit?

    The bride.

    What do you say to a chav at work?

    Big Mac and large fries please

    Chavs are single brain celled morons with no life expectations, social skills or understandable language apart from 4 letter words beginning with F and C. Known to the older…[Read more]

  • Really lost it last week. I did an access course which is the equivalent to 3 A levels in 9 months. I worked really hard & nearly gave myself a nervous breakdown but I did it & passed.

    Found out that one little boy – he certainly wasn’t a man, even though he was 24! was disruptive, came in late & expected us all to wait while he caught up,…[Read more]

  • Really lost it last week. I did an access course which is the equivalent to 3 A levels in 9 months. I worked really hard & nearly gave myself a nervous breakdown but I did it & passed.

    Found out that one little boy – he certainly wasn’t a man, even though he was 24! was disruptive, came in late & expected us all to wait while he caught up,…[Read more]

  • Put on a cotton T. Shirt & get in a cool shower. Wring out T.shirt while it’s still on & it gradually dries on you. Really cools you down & allows your body to breath. It’s great – especially at night.

  • I don’t have neighbours. I live above a newsagents & either side, the shops use the upstairs for storage – so I can make all the noise I want and don’t have to worry about the comments.

    I suppose the newsagent downstairs could be called a neighbour – also known as the prat down below – the only thing I say to him is shut the f**k up when his…[Read more]

  • I find it very interesting that in this country other religions get so much promenance over the christian religion – I am not religious & don’t care if people believe in God, Allah, Abraham or Slartibartfast! As long as they do not inflict it on me.

    From what I read, what really got up people’s noses was not the muslim day but that a wedding…[Read more]

  • Bat,

    I forgot about Armchair Thrillers – they were really scary! Do you remember Death of a Nun with a young Patsy Kensit – still sends shivers up my spine!

    I used to refuse to go out when Double Deckers were on but HATED Why don’t you?

    I think I had a crush on Brian Cant though – Bring back Playaway!!!!!

  • My favourites included Little House on the Prairie, Playaway, Mr Benn, Camberwick Green, Trumpten and Chigley.

    I also loved the childrens books that they used to do every Sunday afternoon – Heidi, Thursdays Child, Little Princess etc. I’m sure that’s why I read so much now – I couldn’t wait until the next episode, so I got the books and read…[Read more]

  • I lived in London and worked in the West End theatres during the IRA campaign, hearing the Harrods bomb and the one at the Wimpy in Oxford Street. London is bigger than these terrorists and always will be as long as people continue to use and enjoy it.

    They will only win if people are scared to go into London because of them. London isn’t just…[Read more]

  • madcat replied to the topic Pigeons in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago

    I have pigeons around my flat but the numbers have gone down recently – commando attacks by seagulls I think.

    My daughter has named one that was left behind – she calls it Martin – don’t ask me why, she’s as mad as the rest of the family! Anyway, trying to watch TV with Martin cooing down the chimney and banging on the window is not easy! but,…[Read more]

  • I think the time has come to leave Israel and the middle east to battle this out for themselves with no support from outsiders – including the massive amount of money that Israel gets from America.

    I was in Israel in the 1980s and in the Jewish areas it was like another american state. Lets see how they get on without political or monetary…[Read more]

  • madcat replied to the topic NAT West 3 in the board Getting serious 18 years, 8 months ago

    I can’t understand the ins and outs of this case but I read that there was not enough evidence to prosecute the men in the english courts & that they have had to go to America without their solicitors or evidence. They also will not be able to afford defence witnesses who need to be flown over to America – all their money will be tied up in the…[Read more]

  • I thought the main problems was that this wedding party were told they could use the park on the day they wanted but that they would have to be covered up, they could only use the rides at male/female times – no mixing of the sexes and no music or alcohol would be allowed!

    Not much of a wedding!

    The wedding party had booked first but had been…[Read more]