madcat replied to the topic Its a miracle, praise the lord in the board Getting serious 18 years, 5 months ago
All this thing about ‘when in Rome etc… How many have visited a muslim country with a gorgous beech or hotel pool and laid around in a bikini or had the odd cocktail?
All this fuss about a bit of material! Are we going to make all jewish men remove their kipper ( or whatever that funny hat thing many wear is called? made hasidic jews remove…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic this is a good reason for Captial Punishment….. in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
What do you mean swung by his neck. Too fast and pain free. He should be hung by his scrotum!!!
madcat replied to the topic Heaven or Hell? in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 6 months ago
Heaven – roast beef with yorkshire pudding & all the trimmings.
Hell – rice pudding, anchovies, prunes and gooseberries
madcat replied to the topic Good News For Padlock Manufactuers in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
I live in a flat without any outside space so can’t have a wheelie bin of any colour. I also don’t drive & the nearest tip is 6 miles away so rubbish removal is a nightmare. I get delivered 2 rolls of ‘pink’ sacks & each sack is much smaller than the average black sack I could buy at the local pound shop. I only get enough to use two of these a…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Twilight of the Idols in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
I agree that for some prisons are a soft touch. I worked in the prison service as a typist/secretary & read some of the reports. For many, the thought there but for the grace of god goes I came into my mind.
I think that for the likes of Hindley, Rose West, Brady, yorkshire ripper, serial rapists etc there should be one prison where only these…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Immigration, "great for employers, they love it". in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
I live in a semi-rural area & know that alot of the fruit farms around here have to use foreign students to pick apples/strawberries etc or the job won’t get done. Time has moved on. The East Enders do not come hop-picking anymore, living in flimsy little shaks and working for a pittance calling it their holidays!
Emma etc. these jobs need…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Drink More Tea in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
Milk & 2 sugars and not stewed if your making. Oh, and a couple of ginger nuts – nothing better than dunking ginger nuts in a hot mug of tea
madcat replied to the topic Proud Parents only in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years, 6 months ago
Phoebe’s only 10 so you’ll have to wait 6 years. She got a merit on her grade 1 violin though! Glad it’s over, never have to listen to Ode to Joy again!!! Ode to Blo*dy Hell more like!
madcat replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
Thanks Ruby!
It’s good to know we are in such great company! Shows how special we are.
Keep strong
madcat replied to the topic Agro-terrorism in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
I didn’t think they had to poison our food – the Americans are doing a great job of that already – been to McDonald’s etc lately?
madcat replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 6 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
SITTING HERE WITH MY SORE WEE LEGS,,LIFE Was fine till madcat …*hey*…
im bi-polar and manic,,
wee skinny lassie..manic,,and able to HATE the world ! i have a new stockin,,citalopram..lithium..i NEED a love,,nanite xx
Bi-Polar and underactive thyroid…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Dried Fruit in the board Off topic chat 18 years, 7 months ago
I used them in bread & butter pudding. Butter the bread & spread with apricot jam. Cut up apricots into small chunks & sprinkle. Make the egg custard & pour over. Bake as usual. For extra yummy use some cream with the milk & when cold, spread some warmed apricot jam over the top (thinly). Made it up when we were broke & didn’t have anything…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
Anything we do in life has consequences. What about boy racers/small willy men who crash and cost the emergency services alot of money being cut out of their car and hospital treatment. Ditto motorcycle riders who are very vulnerable to accidents. Shouldn’t they be charged for their treatment? People who have accidents crossing the road away…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Stop the topics on voting/not voting BNP now in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
@Magoo wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
There doesn’t need to be a half dozen threads by the same person on exactly the same topic. It’s spam.
If thats the case then so are all the middle east war threads.
Like the Middle East, there’s no solution!
Emma – are you a plant from another political party aimed at showing how bad the BNP is so that no one…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Reason to vote Monster Raving Looney party in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
I’m not that sensible! Just thought it would brighten up the house of commons and would make easier egg-throwing & flour bomb targets!
Would also like to add to the manifesto – decent TV.
Interesting people in BB
Decent childrens TV- bring back magic roundabout/trumpton/HR Puffinstuff/Dangermouse & count Duckula
stupid quiz shows banned from…[
madcat replied to the topic Reason to vote Monster Raving Looney party in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
Please could I put forward some suggestions for the manifesto?
1. All politicians to wear a uniform ie, Labour bright red, conservative bright blue, Green party – sludge green, BNP – grey with little swasstikas all over ? – you can’t tell what party they’re from from what comes out of their mouth except the me me me party!
2. Carers & people…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
You are what you eat Tad[/quote]
Yes, I am what I eat – sweet, salty & nice to be around. The quote reminds me of that awful Gillian what’s her name? nausiating woman – makes me instictively go for the cream bun!
I’m overweight through diet, medication and lifestyle. I pay taxes, have spent more than 10 years without seeing a doctor, have…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic TAX THE FAT in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
Flo, I think you’ve been watching too much crap telly – Tax the Fat on More 4?
I thought it was a spoof for a while.
I’m also big and before this year had not been near the NHS for nearly 10 years. I feel quite comfy with my size but know that if I was seriously worried about it I could try and get it down but if my weight is the only thing I…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Onenationonepeopleonetribe in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
Lambrini Girl wrote:
What puzzles me with all this is … All those people who are so PROUD of being English, Scottish, British … whatever .. well, it baffles me a bit.When I say I’m british, I can’t say I’m English because my grandfather was scottish, grandmother (supposedly) French, my father was welsh & my mother english – what does that…[Read more]
madcat replied to the topic Another reason to vote BNP in the board Getting serious 18 years, 7 months ago
I agree up to a point. It seems that those who just want to scrounge are alowed to stay whie those who have something to offer this country – students who want to be doctors/nurses/engineers etc – that we desperately need are being deported.
In my area we have two Afghan boys who came over after seeing their parents murdered along with most of…[Read more]
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