1 Most likely to become famous…..Rocky
2 Most likely to succeed……Delilah
3 Most likely to go to jail…..LucyLocket if she dusnt buy a tv licence
4 Most likely to end up in a mental hospital….Archibald
5 Most likely to become a model…..Kittycupcake
6 Most likely to be Martins pet…..Flurry
7 Cutest couple ….Sassy & Masky
8 Funniest….Pastry
9 Most addicted to JC…Stapler
10 Most likely to be in a band….Tipps
11 Most likely to be caught in a chicken suit…pastry
12 Most likely to come out as gay at a later date….cherriepie
13 Most dramatic….chattygrl
14 Most likely to become a mass murderer…Archibald
15 Most likely to end up in rehab….. jaq