This is a short valentine poem I have written for you
Cos with all consuming lust
I’ve been smitten with you
And when I say smitten I mean everywhere
There’s one bit, particularly But let’s not go there
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Happy Birthday Mellow Birds me owd mucker from one Lancastrian to another xxx
thowt id get thee a mug for thee brew lad……..and dont let that flurry wench moider thee on tha burthday
To me thery’re two types of love………the love you feel for your child and the love you feel for a partner
Nothing comapres to the love I feel for my Daughter, its unconditional, when shes sad im sad, I hate her being upset, I want to be able to fix everything and give her a perfect world to live in, I have gone without to give her what she needs and I would do it again, When times have been hard I have been at rock bottom looking at her has made me carry on, She is my life, my everything, she is my best achievement in life, I admire the young person she has turned out to be, she is beautiful, caring, funny, hyper, gobby and bad tempered all these things make her the person she is and I wouldnt change her for the world…… a few weeks ago she posted a status on facebook sayin “I love my mum so much, I don’t know what I would do without her” when I read this I thought “I feel exactly the same princess” even when shes left home and married with children of her own……..she will ALWAYS be my baby <3 xxx
For me love was walking away when I knew our circumstance’s at the time was too hard to deal with, we both had young children and lived a long distance from each other,it wasn’t fair to disrupt their life for our happiness (A mothers love)………..If you love someone set them free, if they come back its meant to be……..and 8 years on she’s STILL the one <3 xxx