1) Where did you go on your first ever date? can’t remember
2) Where would you go now on a first date? depends on the person
3) How far would you go with someone on a first date? depends how long iv known the person…….i like to keep ppl waiting
4) What is your biggest turn off?bad personailty & horrible hair
5) What the the worst thing that has happened to you on a date?Thinking oh god what am i doing here!
6) Who in jc would you date (if your were/are single)AngelBabe(shame shes str8)
7) What is the first thing you notice about someone of the opposite (or same if ya gay) sex?Hair and eyes
8 ) What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in the presence of someone you liked?fallen over
9) Are you a body language or a verbal flirt?verbal
10) If you could start again would you pick the same people as you have in the past?no way!!!! I wudnt have been with men
11) Where would you go on a perfect dream date? Cheryl Coles bed
12) Do you believe in love at first sight?50/50
13) Do you think you have been in love?yes
14) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?married to Cheryl Cole
15) What would you buy your partner on their first birthday with you?a weekend away
16) What has been the scariest moment of your life so far?telling my mum & friends im gay
17) Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?lots of times
18 ) Would you ever hook up with an ex?yes
19) Do you sext when you are drunk?wtf is sext??
20) Have you ever lied to attract someone?no