I think that at one stage or another we all guessed that pm’s were being read. I for one dont have anything to hide and wouldnt say anything in pm that I wouldnt say elsewhere. Does that make it right??? Absolutely not.
I cannot abide liars, and for me, this is the issue here. When challenged Fasty denied that he done this and was annoyed that these accusations were made. Pats has also read pm’s although said that it was too much hassle and too technical to do?!? I do believe that Sunny and Di didnt.
Anyway, it is what it is and i guess theres no point in us all getting our knickers in a twist over an internet message board. At least its out in the open now. I for one have lost any respect I had for fasty and certainly didnt like his underhand approach to managing the boards lately. def a changed person from who he was a few years ago, and thats a pity.
in my opinion, the only reason he bailed from the boards was because his cover was about to be blown and a few home truths were about to be revealed. What a pussy to not stay and fight your corner. Love how it is now manipulated to make him look the good guy though lol. I’m sure none of us will receive an apology either. For the later part I wasnt on the site out of enjoyment but more a bad habit and some disjointed sense of loyalty. Same the same wasnt applied from the owners to the users really.
I’m sure Fasty is sitting back, watching and laughing. He always did like a good old rant and encouraged everyone to particpate. He’s done a grand job this time huh :roll: Shame really cos it used to be a good place to unwind and have a laugh.