Forum Replies Created
28 May, 2006 at 7:44 pm #201938
28 May, 2006 at 7:42 pm #1882702 weeks ago
when was the last time you rowed with ur partner?
28 May, 2006 at 7:38 pm #160120hi hunnie im home :lol: :lol:
28 May, 2006 at 7:21 pm #219366honest
28 May, 2006 at 7:11 pm #212304But you know there’s nothing wrong with pre-nuptial agreements these days especially with a couple like yourselves both of who are bringing all their tangible assets together in the marriage. If the worst should happen and you get divorced a short while after you are married, I am sure that you would want your ex-wife to want for nothing without the need to fight for her rights through the Courts.
She could have a full entitlement to your pension fund for example, a substantial share of your earnings over the years after you get divorced and so on.
Oh and do remember that on marriage she is entitled to a share in your estate when you die so if you want to leave anything to somebody else you will need to alter your Will.
I hope that this helps you in this, you big step into the unknown.
PB has i know that you know witey personaly i can see that ur just lookin out for him and in some cases yes pre nups are a good thing, but in our case i also take it as an insult to my self due to you not knowing myself or what im like.People offline and online that know me know that im not like that and rest assured i would and will be putting just as much in to the relationship and marraige as witey will be, and in reference to entitlment when getting married that goes both ways and if by chance witey should die b4 me i would not stand in the way of whoever hed left anything to.
I am a very independent women, i might add in which any person i know well, would tell you.
I would also like to add that there are also two people taking the big step, entering into the unknown has u would call it, id prefer to call it a long standing commitment between two people that wish to show the world how much they care and love one another!!!
28 May, 2006 at 6:33 pm #212303@forumhostpb wrote:
Well I was referring to the High Court judgement this week that allowed a divorced wife to claim a substantial share in her husband’s assets even though she had not contributed directly to their acquisition. The fact that she had given up a potential carreer to be married entitled her to a big payout from his assets, even though only being married a relatively short period of time.
It is said that pre-nuptial agreements could get round this by setting out a ”fair share” of the assets before the marriage took place – even though these agreements are not directly recognised in English matrimonial law.
So it seemed to me that Witey and Gizmo ought to consider a ‘pre nup’ before they get married so that when they get divorced shortly afterwards, they won’t fight over the assets.
Has witey has already stated were are not getting married for another yr yet and we both no what we are entering into and dont intend to enter it lightly. I myself are very much like witey in the fact i intend to marry once and that would and will be for life. I know and dont doubt the fact that witey is the one i should be marrying.
27 May, 2006 at 5:30 pm #212296@forumhostpb wrote:
In view of the recent news – will you both be having a pre-nuptial agreement????
pml PB no we aint having a pre-nuptial agreement has theres no point hun,
and wats that about in view of recent news all about wat have u heard?
26 May, 2006 at 10:36 pm #219364understanding
26 May, 2006 at 10:35 pm #175757u were drunk hun :lol: :lol: :lol:
26 May, 2006 at 1:23 am #175740ffs hun leave me alone hehe :lol: :lol: :lol: