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  • #388063

    I am registered on their new site but am waiting to see if all hell breaks loose there before I join in. I don’t come in here often but I saw some hellish stuff when I did. Not nice.

    Message boards are just one method for people to engage in witty conversation and banter with others, not to air dirty laundry and abuse. I am registered on quite a few forums though have yet to find one that feels like home.


    Don’t knock menstruation, the other side of it is babies.


    Park Life

    Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as… (parklife!)
    And morning soup can be avoided if you take a route straight chrough what is known as… (parklife!)
    Johns got brewers droop, he gets intimidated by the dirty pigeons – they love a bit of it. (parklife!)
    Whos that gut lord marching? you should cut down on your porklife, mate, get some exercise! (parklife!)

    All the people
    So many people
    And they all go hand in hand
    Hand in hand through their parklife

    Know what I mean?

    I get up when I want, except on wednesdays, when I get rudely wakened by the dustmen. (parklife!)
    I put my trousers on, have a cup of tea, and I think about leaving the house. (parklife!)
    I feed the pigeons, I sometimes feed the sparrows too.
    It gives me a sense of enormous well-being. (parklife!)
    And then Im happy for the rest of the day,
    Safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it.


    Parklife – parklife!
    Parklife – parklife!
    Its got nothing to do with your vorsprung durch technic, you now.
    Parklife – parklife!
    And its not about you joggers who go round and round and round…
    Parklife – parklife!

    Repeat chorus twice


    So what… you are not a chicken!




    Whether you like it or not American Woman, Obama could well be the 5th.

    He has been protected for the last year because of assassination threats, and now he has actually been elected, those threats are going to escalate. It is just being realistic to say that he is very likely to get killed for his stance, after all America is the land where it is everyone’s god given right to bear arms, and people are even comparing him to JFK.

    Just because people are saying it, doesn’t mean they want it to happen. I for one hope he gets a good run at the job, and would not like him to end his term of office prematurely.

    Yoda is perfectly entitled to say what is on a lot of people’s minds today.


    Of course men do emotions. They do all the emotions women do. Some of them have been brought up that some emotions should not be displayed openly, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel them.

    What you probably mean is why don’t men and women react the same way in the same situation? This would make things a lot simpler, but the fact is that no two women will react exactly the same in the same situation, so why expect a man to?

    I once read a book called Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars or some such nonsense. It tried to explain why women react sublty differently to men and why men are the way they are. Men try and fix things when women just like to talk things over. If a man can’t fix something he just moves on to other things. Women carry on wanting to talk it over. The man has moved on to something he can fix. The woman is still trying to talk it over. She thinks he doesn’t care/has gone off her/has met someone else/is an insensitive brute etc… He thinks she’s nagging/emotional unstable/neurotic/difficult etc etc.

    Well, that may be a simplification of the book. Has anyone else read it?


    Well Christmas is but once a year, and actually I am lucky in that I don’t want for anything.

    I just fancy a few little bits and bobs, and hope that people make me things, just little things, but things they put thought into instead of just going down to the shops and buying any old thing. And in return, I am going to make things for all the people I love. I just need to get my thinking cap on and work out what to make for them all!


    (Any suggestions gratefully received! – or I will just have to paint them all a picture each, and that is fraught with disaster as I am rubbish…but after all its supposed to be the thought that counts!)


    A Bad Dream by Keane

    Why do I have to fly
    Over every town up and down the line?
    I’ll die in the clouds above
    And you that I defend, I do not love

    I wake up, it’s a bad dream
    No one on my side
    I was fighting
    But I just feel too tired
    To be fighting
    Guess I’m not the fighting kind

    Where will I meet my fate?
    Baby I’m a man, I was born to hate
    And when will I meet my end?
    In a better time you could be my friend

    I wake up, it’s a bad dream
    No one on my side
    I was fighting
    But I just feel too tired
    To be fighting
    Guess I’m not the fighting kind
    Wouldn’t mind it
    If you were by my side
    But you’re long gone
    Yeah you’re long gone now

    Where do we go?
    I don’t even know
    My strange old face
    And I’m thinking about those days
    And I’m thinking about those days

    I wake up, it’s a bad dream
    No one on my side
    I was fighting
    But I just feel too tired
    To be fighting
    Guess I’m not the fighting kind
    Wouldn’t mind it
    If you were by my side
    But you’re long gone
    Yeah you’re long gone now


    As others have said, revenge is a wasted emotion. Anyone who feels they need to enact any form of revenge on an ex is suffering from the illusion that it will actually make them feel better. Perhaps for a few minutes or hours or even possible a day or two. But they will still be the same person they were and have the same grudges in their souls.

    The best thing to do when you split up with anyone is to remember the good times, accept that it is over, and you are both better off apart, and hold close the reasons why you loved them in the first place.

    Moving on is easy if you don’t carry any negative emotions with you into the future.

    I am lucky that I am still talking to everyone I have ever loved, who has ever loved me, except one who died (and actually I still talk to him). I still love them, and value the times I have spent with them. It is only the poor spirited who seek revenge.

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