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  • #1025641

    Hmmm i’d agree in some ways but not in others (being a mere woman)

    I cringe when women constantly put men down in chat its like theyre blaming their past experiences on the present company. as for women having it tougher, a simple no usually sorts out problematic male chatters who constantly use the old asl (to which my bog standard reply is … age – old sex – not in years location – at my pc).

    I think the same goes both ways though to be honest and in my humble opinion. Some men target women to put them down no idea why,

    its purely an observation on my own part to note that when certain groups of people are together mob rule takes over and they get nastier and nastier, but then its the nature of the beast isn’t it?

    no one has any responsibility to anyone else in chat. :rose:



    That it was my dad who put the cartoons in the back of the tv for us to watch Christmas morning

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    Watched this…… was shocked.

    some need to do some cleaning, some need a wash, and that poor dog, look at the state of it, as for the all American…. least said soonest mended. grow up sprang to mind.

    Alphas? look after people (their brood/pack.)


    Would like to respectfully apply for a mixologist position if one becomes available.

    I’m good with people, friendly , always happy,

    and have experience in cocktail mixing following a course in did in 2004


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    Yup thats the ones Karty


    Dixie, I hope you don’t mind me posting this link, I don’t watch this programme but watched this video .. food for thought not only kids it happens to



    This really is an adult site isn’t it? Or am I living in a parallel universe?

    hope so, its certainly cleared up a few things, I don’t bully.


    ,I also hate ,and ive said it many times the hi,bye,wb,brigade,but ive come to realise thats what chat is,so you know let it be innit,so consequently I prefer boards,in all my years on boards ive never seen anybody say hi,bye,wb,brb,hb ltns etc.


    Y’see I don’t see it like that, Some do TRY to join in with chat but theyre cut out of it, I left this morning after watching what I can only say I found utterly distasteful, a small group of regs pulling someone apart who wasn’t in the room, and yes, one was a guide.  it was like watching a pack of dogs with a fox tearing it apart

    I don’t want or need to see what these few do for theyre own gratification and validation, so I left.

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    a duty of care:- Now I’ve heard it all! Seriously, these are adults who enter the Chatroom. The rules blatantly state, don’t give out personal information. There is no contractual agreement that says anyone should care about anyone!

    Which is EXACTLY what I thought until I had a phone call…….

    Which made me cry, being reported as a bully for someone like me is devastating, but, because it was a phone call there is no record of it happening, and can easily be denied, i’m a natural carer.  and will remain so, but….

    I don’t agree that for some this is a lifeline, as stated theyre all adults and should take responsibility for their own actions/words/spitefulness

    I care, but I am not responsible for them


    Karty! least you got a letter I’ve had absolutely sod all , as I have done all my life, what you never had you can’t miss

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