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    a true alpha doesn’t bully, a bully is a coward, who wants control and cannot get it and so uses violence to attain it.

    a true alpha automatically gains respect because they have self respect and self worth in bucketloads that a wannabe will never have.

    name calling is an example it really means, I cant be who you are so I will mock you.

    they will  dislike everything about you that they have made up in their own heads, and use their misaligned truth to scorn and put down, a true alpha would never do that, a true alpha wants to help its pack/ partner to become the best they can, they enhance the persons/packs life giving them security, and freedom to develop


    My finger although black and blue healing nicely

    Ouch. What did you do to it?

    to cut a long one short, no feeling in hands opened bathroom window didn’t realise finger was trapped in locking mechanism, pulled hand away (no pain) blood everywhere, bled for 2 days off n on


    My finger although black and blue healing nicely


    Think only thing that has changed about me is I don’t tend to just accept bullying as part of life anymore.



    My fur baby was born on Thursday, its going to be a very long 8 weeks until I can bring him home.


    Personal choice isn’t it? whether you divulge or not, think problems arise when others have to harp on about it, the on and on and on stuff, if they don’t like what others say ignore it. It really is that simple, I’ve divulged stuff in F3, been mocked called a liar, generally bullied for some, but….. they don’t know me, I get told what ive done who I am etc, but I still know I’m me and what I divulge is true, and its why I have such strong opinions on some topics, I was called “walking miracle” dunno why.. ive lived, ive survived, ive coped. worth laughing at and ripping apart? calling names? so be it, I know the truth. just makes those that do it look idiots.

    walk a mile in someones shoes before you assume or judge, but I know there are some right sad sods on here that just cannot accept what some have encountered in life.

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    I think (personal opinion) if a woman takes a dislike to another woman online they will make thinly veiled digs and insults, they know you know its aimed at you, but expect you to say nothing. personally I think I take insults more easily from men having lived with a misogynist, water off a ducks back. when it comes from another woman my “take” is, what are they jealous of? why are they making me important in their chatlife when they don’t know me.


    I think ( my opinion) people want to see the good in others, I think what some forget is, they will never meet these people so they don’t care what vitriol they spit, or at whom.

    what I don’t get is (even with all my knowledge) what drives people to be so bloody vicious, unless of course its to boost their own sick ego’s, to get them noticed (think 2 yr olds tantrums any attention is better than none – classic Narc)

    We all make mistakes, is all I can say, if some sick weirdo wants to take advantage twist what is said assume what is true etc no one will stop them to other ghouls in the room its “fun” which in itself is weird.

    like you i’m a strong capable woman Mooosey, and quite frankly if ripping anything I say apart makes em feel good I am happy I’ve helped  but, Karma will call eventually. and then they’ll be yelling at the top of their voice – not fair –

    funny though is also how flippant comment is deemed true and truth is deemed lie?



    waking up at 3 am  :-)


    I guess its human nature to “defend” whomever it is you like, although most won’t and those that do are seen as weak. not weak per se, but the terms lapdog, arselicker etc comes to mind to use F3 language, and that is only as my personal experience. many males who have spoken to me or even defended me have been called such names, do I know why? nope, do I even care? nope, but it gets embarrassing to think because someone chats to you or has even met you they then become the brunt of bullying or “teasing” or “banter” to me theyre all the same thing its just that bullies wont admit its what theyre doing .

    where does it come from? Jealousy? who knows. i’m not a mind reader.

    As I said in F3, when someone shows you a kindness, you tend to trust them, as  they say trust no one, because as sure as eggs is eggs there’ll be a crack sooner or later and that person gives you the flick, moves on and they know all this stuff about you that you’ve confided and because they tend to befriend the needy or lonely youre  an easy target to pass all your inner most secrets to others. they don’t give a toss if it upsets you, that’s their M.O.

    to think “they would never do that to me” is daft to say the least.

    I digress…..

    Some people lash out because they know how daft theyre being, and don’t want to admit it. even if 100’s of people have experience of a person and try to warn the involved defender they’ll believe (because they want/need to) that they are different and special and the person would never do it to them.

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