Hmmm maybe I have (or haven’t evolved) take that either or.
Both my kids are from one man. I’ve never drank so much that “fancy a s*** is the height of eloquence”
I’m not a feminist either, I like to look after a man, as long as I don’t get taken for granted, I’ve never nagged a man, or moaned, I’ve cooked cleaned brought up my children and worked.
An old saying, you can put sex into a relationship, but not a relationship into just sex.
As for Englishmen treating women badly, no, I don’t think they do, (intentionally).
The lines between the sexes has become so blurred now, men are afraid to ask a woman for a date for fear of being made fun of in public, or a drink thrown in their face, non feminists don’t get asked for dates either. (all tarred with same brush?) I do think that misogyny has slightly faded but misandysm has heightened.
I’m no prude but I wouldn’t dream of making fun of a mans size, sexual or otherwise, and I wouldn’t expect a real man to call me fat ugly or frigid, purely because I decline his advances
The “scattering” of children I fear forebodes genetic problems for the future. I agree totally that it appears nowadays that relationships are consumable. throwaway, no one works at a relationship anymore. so people breed move on, breed again move on again, ad infinitum.
Eventually Scarily) we will have a world of kids who have no idea who their siblings are, who then go on to breed and move on. it doesn’t bear thinking about with regards to the genetic throwbacks
I Think its become a tit for tat country, if I cant get exactly my own way I will be abusive call you names and move on. that’s how it is nowadays both men and women of this country see each other as just a consumable commodity, pieces of meat to be picked up and then move on .
I’m always in there early, always say Morning All, and get no replies back even though some of the names here are in there, was in for 10 minutes this morning before anyone had the CDF to say morning.
I think some have had enough of the constant abuse.
Well I’m 60 next Saturday, am I dreading it? NOPE! I’m looking forward to it and all the naughty freedoms I will have bestowed upon me,
Like speaking my mind instead of biting my tongue when people pish me orf and they’ll just say “its her age”, see youngsters cant get away with that cos its just called bitching!
I will never be OLD! I don’t even look it so why in gods name should I behave it? ok the body creaks a bit more, I’m falling apart at the seams but I still scrub up well and am always up for a laugh even if my filthy mind does need a good scrubbing.
Those who worry about age? oh get over yaselves! you can’t stop it and no amount of “surgery” of a certain kind, body wraps, or facials will stop age. you’re just fooling yourself. So get on with it and enjoy it like what I does!
Coming from a multi-cultural background, I see Human beings as. just that, human beings, we all have feelings, pride, helplessness (in some ways) hang-ups, baggage, fears etc. it is just sad that some use the internet to take their fears out on others, if the other person doesn’t agree with them or are not like themselves.
I understand that people can become wary if they have been hurt by any other human being, but we cannot blame our pasts on our present, and make every other person pay. which yes, is unfair, but the person doing it is probably hurting.
As many say, when someone abuses or name-calls for no reason other than to get a reaction, it is more to do with their own hurt and absolutely nothing to do with their target.
Society as a whole has had to evolve, because of laws and legislation, but the inner person will still have their own view on other humans, and using the internet gives them the outlet they need to let loose.
I’ve found as I have become an old fart, that I will tolerate less, most still goes over my head as “oh gawd someone’s not getting the attention they crave” and so they’re hitting out at others with very little if no excuse at all, except to make other’s feel as hurt and bad as they do themselves. But! blatant abuse is still just that.
Been embarrassed many times over the years, I used to go to a lot of dance classes, and I live in a small peninsular town.
you get to know a lot of people. bit like in a village.
I was walking through the main town on market day one Saturday, when suddenly I heard from behind me “oi Nicearse”………I carried on walking, slightly faster. when suddenly right up behind me said “oi ” I turned and it was one of my fellow dancers.
times like that you wish there was a button you could press and the ground opens up and swallows you.