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  • #1007005

    Scep .   you said “I do know that domestic violence (still mainly men against women, though a significant number of women against men) still takes place.”

    The last statistics I looked at it was 52% women are abused and 48% men so almost an equal split, seems the only thing that is true equality nowadays is abuse. and yet, as far as I am aware there is still only 1 Male refuge. some of the men I counselled had been very cruelly abused. its still far easier for a woman to admit it than a man



    absolutely adore that top misty one Ab xx


    Well he says he uses SHR in F3 so who has seen or even spoke to him in there? Is he SHR in F3 or just something on the bottom of your shoe you didn’t want to step in? Will say one thing for him though. He has a lot of mouth on the boards so someone should remember him in the room :wacko:

    I believe this was the first post on this thread…… up to those who read it to decide who chucked the first brick


    Sat here giggling now


    I know……… I know, i’m gonna get ripped apart for this but, been reading a lot of the boards lately, not commenting on many, but I’ve noticed a regression from Adult to Playground.

    It isn’t really attractive to chest beat, posture, try to be alpha on a basically anonymous medium.

    Like Arc I have met a few from F3, some nice, some odd, but who am I to judge, ive made two very good real life friends from this place and i’m grateful for that, its worth all the sniping if someone happens along that truly “gets you” similar sense of self and others, so I thought i’d just leave you with this.

    Far be it from me to “play” teacher, but fgs…. its like a playpen full of kids at times   trying to outdo others instead of rational debate, who give a flying one who is who or who has what and why? we all have our reasons for choosing to be here and it shouldn’t be open for a warzone inflammatory thread just to get ones own way
    Here are 20 defining characteristics of a true adult

    1. Realizing that maturity is an ongoing process, not a state, and continuously striving for self improvement.
    2. Able to manage personal jealousy and feelings of envy.
    3. Has the ability to listen to and evaluate the viewpoints of others.
    4. Maintains patience and flexibility on a daily basis.
    5. Accepts the fact that you can’t always win, and learns from mistakes instead of whining about the outcome.
    6. Does not overanalyze negative points, but instead looks for the positive points in the subject being analyzed.
    7. Is able to differentiate between rational decision making and emotional impulse.
    8. Understands that no skill or talent can overshadow the act of preparation.
    9. Capable of managing temper and anger.
    10. Keeps other people’s feeling in mind and limits selfishness.
    11. Being able to distinguish between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’.
    12. Shows confidence without being overly arrogant.
    13. Handles pressure with self composure.
    14. Takes ownership and responsibility of personal actions.
    15. Manages personal fears.
    16. Able to see the various shades of grey between the extremes of black and white in every situation.
    17. Accepts negative feedback as a tool for self improvement.
    18. Aware of personal insecurities and self-esteem.
    19. Able to separate true love from transitory infatuation.
    20. Understanding that open communication is the key to progression



    2 members liked this post.

    Beautiful Angelbabe, absolutely stunning


    Blimey and I thought I was suffering with old age memory loss Kenty  lol

    I told you even before we met in person that I lived with Paul and had no intention of marrying until he asked me as his dying wish, funny what people forget when its convenient isn’t it?

    why would I mention my ex? he was rarely home, and its so far in the distant past .

    I don’t do “thinly veiled” as you know, so I don’t accept your comment of “genuine mistake.” nor “easily done” . if the post was read properly line by line I don’t think anyone would have a problem with the first three words of my post.  “MY LATE HUSBAND” some of us do stay until a partner/husband/wife dies.

    Yes I accept Sophia’s comment of year of birth but I guess its how men of a certain age were brought up by their mothers and what their nuclear family dynamic was, obviously my late husbands (NOT MY EX) was brought up in the dynamic that men go out to work women stay home and do everything else.

    and I have to add no wonder there is the Chinese whispers effect in the he said she said crap, if people will just assume stuff on top of what is actually written.

    the final comment.? you know about that too. you watched as I was told in the room I murdered my husband.


    So wish you had actually read my post Kenty I said my LATE husband not my ex, and you know full well I was married to him as his last wish before he died of cancer


    shock horror I didn’t murder him at all!


    Sat here chuckling my way through those replies…. omg crying with laughter ya numpties lol love it!


    ok traditionalism.

    My late husband was around 12 years older than me, so he was “old school” born in 1945. the age where women were allowed to stay home and rear their offspring or “issues” as they were called in a posh way (lol)

    not so nowadays, women have no choice but to work unless theyre either disabled or a kept woman which is greatly frowned upon since the age of feminism.

    so, my husband wouldn’t know the difference between a cooker and a washing machine would probably end up with socks on toast if I hadn’t happened along into his life, had no clue how the vacuum cleaner worked and only knew that dust existed but no idea how to remove it, in his own words “that’s women’s work”.

    we would get up in the mornings me first, id go make him breakfast then after while he showered and dressed id be vacuuming and washing ironing and dusting. while he sat in the conservatory letting his breakfast go down with his newspapers. to him that was completely normal (or he was pulling a fast one)?

    I personally think I’d prefer a man to take part in my life instead of me being their carer nowadays, cooking together can be fun!

    and Scep you have to remember I was a psychologist, your eyes would bleed if you’d heard half of what I have from patients.

    and there is absolutely nothing disgusting about oral sex!



    Scep, no one is given a road map of how a woman’s body works (from a pleasure point of view).

    I’ve counselled couples and the woman says “he doesn’t please me” (won’t use the blatant words here). my first question was always. “have you shown him what does”? We’re all responsible for our own bodies, we know how they work, what is nice or not so nice, and unless you’ve explored yourself how on earth can you guide someone?

    Both sexes have responsibilities in that area. We make our own rules, as to how, what, who ,when.

    I do however think that what has been lost (or Americanised) is that a sexual encounter is nowadays preferred to a sexual relationship.

    You can only get to know a particular woman’s body if you stick around long enough or if she lets you!

    Ok we’ve always been “stiff upper lip” particularly when communicating desire, apart from the obvious.  (one night stands whether drunken or not)

    and I guess some shy away from oral sex because they haven’t a clue what to do (and that’s both sexes not just men) which brings us full circle,  we don’t get a map of how a female’s body works, the same as unless you ask a man to show you what he likes how does a woman know?


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