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  • #1010410

    When you have a memory suddenly come back that makes you feel all warm inside.


    Any need for that Blossom?


    Waking relatively painfree, first time in days

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    Having the nicest ever duty Doc to come to see me this morning…..


    [ came across this lovely blue jumper, hinting I liked it. ]


    you said you hinted lol then said you didn’t  lol lol


    a Robin sitting on my window ledge outside my kitchen, almost hinting I hadn’t filled the feeders.


    Taking an hour to get out of bed because of pain.


    I do see a pattern emerging. Most of you come across as greedy, money grabbing , self absorbed people here, posting. Not surprised the majority of you are divorcees. Takes 2 to tango.

    So….. if I have this right…….. you were also guilty of exactly what you have accused others of being?

    You Wrote:-

    Was window shopping with a boyfriend about a month before Christmas (was in my mid 20s), and came across this lovely blue jumper, hinting I liked it.

    When the time came to exchange gifts, I was rather excited, as he handed me a bag belonging to the shop I saw the jumper in.

    I was like…..omg…he bought me it.

    I unwrapped the gift and my jaw dropped.

    He’d bought a mauve one as there were no blue ones left and the wrong size.

    It was massive and absolutely horrid .. lol <<<<<


    I’ve never “hinted” to anyone , its to be “thought” of that counts. not getting exactly what you want.


    Popped into F3 last evening after struggling to get pain under control all day, the place was absolutely buzzing with panicstricken people saying they had tried all day to get in.

    must admit whether rightly or wrongly it made me giggle a bit. (or was that the painkillers).

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