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    Had a couple of people come for counselling that kept having strange dreams, there are protocols.

    are you on any medication, some types can cause vivid or even lucid dreams.

    have you recently been bereaved, divorced, moved house or had one of life’s high stress incidents.

    then the questions would follow;

    were you warm/cold, happy/sad, frightened/carefree, panic stricken or calm,was it daytime or evening.

    dreams can give clues, most read dream dictionaries, about specific items but you need a whole host of background things before a dream can be interpreted.



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    Thinking about a phone call I got yesterday informing me of a bollock I had dropped. :wacko:

    out of the mouths of innocents eh?


    Y’know, believe it or not I have never been camping, Caravan yes, camping no, i’ll volunteer to be cook. as long as I can bring my bbq lol












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    still giggling……….. camping ….. omg lol :wacko:

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    Badger playing in the snow (not recent)

    Rainbow in suffolk


    Only having been a member for two and a bit years (a newbie by many peoples opinion). even I have noticed it dwindle. although I don’t use it much in the evenings, I’m more a morning person (around 5 a.m. ) but now even that seems to have dwindled down.

    and from personal experience (my own) and in my opinion (my own) and without prejudice. it seems once certain people arrive, the room goes silent and most leave, (including me). whats the point being in a chatroom where there is no chat?

    better to get on and do other stuff :-)

    I think it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth (theoretically) if you feel unwelcome.  or if anyone speaks to you, theyre berated. or if you talk to the wrong person, you’re accused.

    the above is what I’ve seen personally (not aimed at anyone, no malice just personal experience.)

    I was told that chat is a lifeline for some, and theyre “protected”.  I didn’t realise it had the status of recovery from problems in life, I thought it was just a chatroom (although I may have that completely wrong, and if I have then I of course apologise unreservedly).

    like some (the few it appears) I love to interact with other human beings, other than family and friends, I live alone, I’m not lonely, but its nice to think you can have a giggle sometimes, or just pass time.



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    One of my Abstracts

    Looks like a bit of lady lurvvee you got going on there Laine. When are you putting the full pic up coz this is just like the teaser you get on them video sites that people have told me about, right? :whistle:

    Tsk no its not! lol. did you click on it? I gives you the full image.

    i’ll stick a couple more on later x


    I use instant iggy too, no point not doing it, but still no quiet chat, so someone is either namechanging or double logged, and relaying totally out of context text to some,  then apparently the room erupts, I see comments from chatters not on iggy who I deem friendly, and as shr rightly said it descends into a bitchfest.

    an example? I was having a convo with someone and mentioned a book I had read, the book is why men prefer bitches, I relayed a line from the book to the chatter and apparently via the namechanger or double logged person I had called someone I put on instant ignore a lazy bitch…… which I hadn’t. but ……… the room went into total hell and apparently I was called everything under the sun. someone pm’d me to ask why they were attacking me, I could only tell the person I had no idea because I cant see them, they cant see me, I use ignore.

    one thing is for sure. it needs sorting.

    sorry this is a rambling post but I needed it said. forgive me for my honesty.

    I’m sure one of them will need to fry me for it


    some will only chat to me in pm for fear of retribution, not adding anything else to this because the above is a stark fact.

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