Forum Replies Created
31 October, 2017 at 5:03 pm #1077486
Its New Year For Wiccan and Pagan people and its called Samhain (pronounced sow-ween)
End of the year of growth and the dark days of winter where mother earth rests until springtime
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25 October, 2017 at 7:20 pm #1076610<article id=”post-530528″ class=”post-530528 page type-page status-publish hentry”>the following of your site rules are breached daily toward me in particular even BY your previous staff
nothing……… is done about it.
By accessing the site, you agree to be bound by the following rules:
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- Harassment of other users.
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25 October, 2017 at 4:58 pm #1076568the past is gone and cannot be changed, the future isa an illusion as yet to manifest, there IS only now
5 October, 2017 at 6:18 am #1073992My honest observation and opinion for what its worth.
when F3 became registered only, suddenly old reg names began to appear, that hadnt been seen in ages (since guest numbers were invented). i have these reg names on ignore because of the senseless trolling of myself by them.
when you allowed guests back in some regs (the more abusive ones who cant help but troll), names disappeared and lo and behold abusive numbers appeared and i began being trolled again. and certain names have disappeared.
the conclusion i drew from this was having guest numbers in for some is a nightmare and has stopped me using chat as much as i used to. at least with names you cant use ignore and its done, with guests or regs that cant help but troll with guest numbers you cannot pre empt an attack, you have to wait until youre insulted, belittled, picked on, threatened before you can decide , ok this is a nasty. and use ignore
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21 September, 2017 at 4:20 am #1070983noun
writing or talk using jargon from psychiatry or psychotherapy without particular accuracy or relevance.just thought i would clarify
I had lots of life experience being married at 16, a mum at age 18 running a home, being over 100 miles away from anyone i knew, being a forces wife (which meant basically, youre on ya own get on with it).
and yeah it is a big but! (no not mine ya daft narna)
i trusted people, which as i have found on here isnt a good thing to do. so i guess we can all learn a lesson or two can’t we? no one is immune from being hurt. but some can’t help themselves but do it constantly, i tend to just call it lack of respect for my fellow man/woman.
16 September, 2017 at 6:46 am #1069337Chuffed! after being told to go fk off n die regularly for months i will now have a name to ignore instead of random numbers
4 September, 2017 at 6:03 am #1068075Prefer the first ones Laney, diamante , wouldnt have pearls (personal opinion) in my culture theyre called angels tears
3 September, 2017 at 5:23 am #1068010for my holiday my grand daughter did holographic gel polish (the uv one) not sure it would work on fake nails though
and yes that is my own nail lol
27 August, 2017 at 5:52 am #1067213I Was 36 when i started my Menopause (same age as my mother). never ever had pmt, no mood swings, only thing i had toward the end of my menopause was 3 week long periods which left me slightly anaemic. night sweats, were a bugga, but saved on heating bills and ive never had to use a duvet since. mine finished when i was 50. you cannot say you have finished the menopause until/unless you have had no periods at all for 1 year.
as for a previous poster saying no condoms…… what a dick! finishing menopause doesnt make you immune to STD’s, HPV or cervical cancer
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21 August, 2017 at 6:36 am #1066616Stunning!!!!