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  • #522446

    just another of my hobbies i thought i’d share, the skies have been dazzlingly beautiful lately.

    Edit ! these photos were taken when i moved into my new home here, i had to put them together.


    got an oldish pic of me if you wanna use it trapps???


    i have a rule, no one younger than 5 yrs older than my kids, for two reasons.

    firstly as quite rightly was said, what on earth would you have in common.
    my late husband was 11 yrs older than me, and we had a chasm of differences about how the world is perceived.

    secondly, it would feel just yukky to imagine getting all gooey eyed over someone that could be my own child.

    yes age is just a number, but some things are just best ……left alone


    sometimes a gut instinct can make you like that, itll be apparent when you listen to your inner self


    just…………… lol :lol:


    Thankyou Darling lol


    choked on my cuppa trapps lol

    agreed on the not telling thing, although some do assume dont they? some even think this is real (shock horror). i love a natter and a laugh me, even a bit of a flirt, (in my book flirting is calling someone honey or darling not what undies you wearing) its the asl brigade that get my goat! im old and here for a giggle, they only gets my standard reply, AGE = bloody old SEX= not for a long time Location = sat at the dining room table typing on my laptop



    Erm…….. Somer, think you need to remember this has censoring too. fks off is changed to make fun of – hot chocolate i think is taking poo?

    so im guessing your post is basically saying……
    this place is beginning to fk me off, when i log in and see mates taking poo i can no longer sit back and watch. its a fkn chat site not a slagging site, fks sake grow up??

    is that what you meant?


    not strictly today but yesterday,

    Friends arriving for a week of family birthdays, and laughing so much i cried.

    having an absolute blast

    shhh theyre sleeping lol

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