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    There was still no mention of her illness on that morning :bye:

    i dont have to justify myself to moronic assholes lady. a nasty comment aimed at me i replied to NS myself before leaving, i didnt leave because of not getting attention as SHE stated (so much for impartial guides!) but … and hear this CLEARLY!  the REASON i dont stay in chat long is because of my DISABILITY !


    I AM DISABLED. i know your lack of understanding of that fact defines you and not me!

    bullying will get none of you anywhere in life

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    I’ve had problems with my spine since about 30, and I’m also in constant pain (though probably not nearly as much as you).

    I don#t know how bad it is, but I’m assuming you’ve tried all the alternative treatments – osteopathy, acupuncture etc etc?

    If not, then do. The NHS is total crap when it comes to backs, and while I’ve been through prolonged periods of near-paralysis, one guy treated me so that the pain is now (usually) just bearable discomfort.

    I hope this helps, though I fear it may not.

    Hi Scep, yes i have been having problems since 1993 (lower spine) degenerative disc disease, but i was misdiagnosed with frozen shoulder approximately two years ago and put through physio until i complained my arms/hands were going tingly and my bladder and bowel were playing up. turns out i had a squished spinal cord in the upper neck area, they operated with some urgency and put a titanium cage in my neck but it was too far gone, i had also had bleeding into the spinal cord, inow have hyperreflexia, cervical spinal myelopathy and cervical spinal myelomalacia, both of which mean my spinal cord is softening failing and dying off.  it affects every aspect of my body, from breathing to choking to not being able to pee or poo, most of the time my skin feels like i’m on fire, but…… yknow what i treasure my life, sod those who tell me im a burden to my family and should top myself in F3,  im under so many consultants i lost count but, nothing really they can do, so im living my life…….. pity some of the nasties dont get one too( a life )they don’t know what theyre dismissing by spending time in chat taking the living piss out of people for theyre shits n giggles. can only pity them

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    thought you knew better mizzy.. im disappointed, were you mocking me too?

    people who live in glass houses etc eh?

    i dont smoke i certainly dont drink, i dont lie about my health.

    abused people go one of two ways, they either think the world owes them and take their hatred out on everything and everyone, ( its the only way to make themselves feel better, to see others suffer). or they go down the route of i survived and i’ll celebrate life each and every moment.

    life is way too short for the patheticism that goes on with the abuse and trolling.

    its like picking at a scab, or self harming, because that is what abusing others is really a type of self harm, its shows the abuser up for what they are not their target. and needless to say there is no level too low for them to stoop.

    i think at our ages (she says tongue in cheek because of the childishness), weve all seen people die. both my parents within months of each other two different cancers,  my first grandchild, and how i felt “I” failed because i couldnt stop my daughters pain. being battered and bruised, broken bones, emotional and psychological abuse that never goes away. rape, buggery, being lied to, cheated on, it all happens to more people than you know walk a mile in someone elses shoes before you strt he pathetic abuse, one day it might be you

    you’re only a victim if you choose to be, survivor is far better!


    Maybe, the person/s doing this just want their trolls to leave them alone, ( a different slant i know). some ppl cope, some really well, but some have been through enough in their lives to say  “enough”. doubt they do it for attention, more for the hope they will be left alone for a change.

    we all have our faults, some take their’s out on others, some don’t feel the need

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    Isn’t it sad eh? that even in the moment someone leaves , theres always ONE that has to be nasty.

    I can understand why Roguey has had enough though, luckily she hasnt been hardened to abuse, of which i envy her.

    yknow there are two types of abuse survivor… the first is the one that is glad to be free of it, wants to laugh again ( at no one elses expense). to help others and give something back after their insight into hell.

    then there is the second type…… the type that thinks the world and everyone in it owes them something and theyre damned well going to take it and watch bodies fall left right and centre.

    those are the ones i pity, to have to come onto a chat site (read that again)…….. and in virtuality, stalk people wish people dead, promise to hurt people, threaten to find people and feel the constant need to look for evidence of others and use their information IN A CHATROOM!

    the poor sods eh? nothing better to do in life than put others down and threaten them IN A CHATROOM!

    before ppl start chucking bricks at eachother, make sure there is nothing that you have done that others can find out, because it makes you look a complete  childish idiot if youre putting someone down who hasnt done things as bad as youve done.

    none of us are perfect but one thing i do know……. hell hath no fury like an abuser who feels it is losing control and needs to lash out.

    if you feel the need to poke me with a stick do it……. ITS A CHATROOM and i won’t be worrying about it. wish me dead all you like im still waking each morning with a smile and the sun shining and family n friends who care…… i dont need you to.

    yes i am really sad that Roguey has left/is leaving. she was a ray of sunshine on dark mornings

    luvs ya roguey xxxxxx



    To accuse her MP’s of treason because they won’t back her deal is to say the least childish,  and she has now alienated even her own party. she should step down, we should leave with no deal and call europes bluff


    The problem is, (with all the government remainers), they have no idea anymore HOW to run the country, we handed that over to Europe decades ago.

    Our government has been busily running the people (into the ground) so have no clue what to do. we were NEVER told what to eat what not to drink etc years before europe (which btw was sold to us as a common market). now we find that medical evidence is bypassed and a cancer causing drug (sweeteners) are put into everything because apparently we’re ALL fat, and need teaching a lesson.

    we havent lived in a democracy where choice and opinion was allowed  for many years, we’re just herded like prisoners of war (without the bombs). because we couldnt be beaten in conflict.

    IF and WHEN they  elect a government that actually WANTS to run the country it’ll all be ok, until then, we’re up shit creek without a paddle

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    Morals and Socio dynamics are different in every country.

    She ran away from home, groomed or not groomed who was to blame? her parents? for not teaching her right from wrong? it certainly wasnt the home secretary

    In her own words she asked someone to arrange the marriage to the Dutch man who gave an interview on tv and was  completely open and honest stating that he “hoped” his country would allow him back home but what he had done was his choice. and he knew it was wrong!

    what i dont agree with is people baying for blood of a home secretary who for once has shown that the UK will NOT be a soft touch or put on a guilt trip by terrorists.

    whats that old saying??

    You make your bed you lie in it


    Happy New Year Somer x x

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    Forever is a short word

    But, means a long time

    Forever you’ll be in my heart

    Forever love – divine




    Rainbows are usually found in the sky

    But i have one in my heart

    The one you left when you kissed me

    And said that we never shall part


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