Being employed of course has more securities but it has no risk v reward. You can work for any company and get your set wage, with a little luck you might get a small rise in wages, with bad luck the company can fold and your out of work anyway.
Being self-employed the world is your oyster, there is no limit to what you can earn and it will all be yours. It takes more time and dedication, but if you work hard and get to where you want to be it can become quite a lucrative lifestyle, think waking up and checking how much you have made before you even think of working that day, that is if you decide to even work at all because you can outsource a lot of your work to other people that you specially train. Then you have additional things you need to focus on such as doing all your tax returns etc, but this can easily be outsourced to other people too.
Without doubt being self-employed is the best, but for those not willing to take risks or put in the initial hard graft, then being employed by someone would be the best option…
I don’t think one is necessarily better than the other, as it all boils down to what type of person you are. A leader or a follower.
It makes you wonder too, everyone wonders why life exists on Earth, could it be that an asteroid from somewhere else brought the starting blocks of life much earlier on, think about it, how weird are dinosaurs, so that was one building block from somewhere, like you said, they were then wiped out, and then another asteroid brought to Earth what we all know now.
It’s quite likely that at some point an asteroid will crash into us. It happened at least once before, I believe, when the dinosaurs were wiped out.
Yeah the size of a house is tiny, it would probably crumble apart when it enters our atmosphere, would not do much damage at all, still wouldnt fancy it landing in my garden though.
I remember watching a documentary about exactly what you said Q, with the Sun being blocked out and dinosaurs all basically starving to death because of it.
Mizzy you do know you are going to sh*t yourself when you get it all rigged up and you say something and a reply comes over saying Long time Sapphire, I’ve been waiting on you…
I thought they were rubbish and that was before the internet was about, my friend had one and all he seemed to do was talk to strangers with a strange code which anyone could break, like how many candles are you burning (what age are you), and crap like that lol
They never seemed to have a proper conversation, it was just people saying what’s your handle, can I join the interesting conversation etc etc :)
In saying all that, I hope you get all the things you need to get you setup, I can’t help you as know nothing about them. Hope you’re feeling better soon too, over and out ;)
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by king_strongbow.
Poor Slovakia, they are the unlucky team who did finish 2nd but don’t make it into the play-offs.
I agree with you, Southgate is just doing the same as the rest, England have so much potential but you just know if things do not change they will go to Russia, maybe get a few 1-0 wins and a draw, just qualify from a easy group, and then be totally embarrassed when they come up against someone decent like Brazil or Germany, or dare I say, the mighty Iceland (again) :)
I very much doubt Southgate is going to be replaced though, not this late on. They will have it in their mind to give him the chance in Russia and if poor then he’s out.