@nanny ogg wrote:
I just couldn’t let this go.
FGS Kevin: Pats told…
You of all people know that the best thing you can do with that woman is ignore her completely.
Your very breath is fodder to her bizarre fantasy that you fancy her.
And mims, if you going to be his woman you really need to wear a harder hat.
You so need a slap, Kevin!
In fact, I’ve a good mind to get in my car and drive to wherever it is you live, doing whatever it is you do for a living, and give you one!
Thank you for your kind offer
can you wait a few days i’m not very well at the moment hope to be better in a few days then i might take up your kind offer (wherever it is that i have been in bed for the last few days with no one to mop my fevered brow
Made me smile though
you really are a good nurse
ps mims is not my bird never was