kevin replied to the topic England for the english in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@lead sharp wrote:
You know what gets me, all the attention you lot seem to enjoy lavishing on this guy.
He’s been banned for being a dickhead, he’s back so instead of re-banning him you banter with him and fight with him.
You must enjoy it, only reason.
if you care to read
i never said :
“p akis should f off out of england”
but they can if they like -
kevin replied to the topic England for the english in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Lambrini Girl wrote:
@kevin wrote:
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
England for the English? Well that’s the Queen of England gone then.
no problem with that shes just another scrounger
I am confused now …. Is that a quaint english way to show your patriotism?
the point of this was tommys thinking
clearly he dose’nt
he just cited me as saying in the quiz
kevin replied to the topic Is racism, normal human behaviour? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
all this ism is a misnomer
people will always find something to dislike about each other
its not colour its not race
its human nature -
kevin replied to the topic And one more make 55 BNP councillours in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
I know non-anglophone immigrants with a better standard of English than some of the patriots here.
with you as there tour guide what else
kevin replied to the topic England for the english in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
England for the English? Well that’s the Queen of England gone then.
no problem with that shes just another scrounger
kevin replied to the topic And one more make 55 BNP councillours in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Mr Bigstuff wrote:
Emma has anyone ever told you that you’re illiterate? Go back to school and learn to read and write, dear. If you love England so much then learn to speak English.
like all our new nationals do?
kevin replied to the topic hamed jailed in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@PATS wrote:
ermmmmmmmmmm.i beg to differ. hes bin moved to a cushy open prison already…………his solicitor steve smith is a friend of ours………….i’m disgusted with what he said about his celebrity status……………..anyone else wud ave got longer. hes an arrogant bstard naseem………..i ave met him.
and tommy is a thick bstard…[Read more]
kevin replied to the topic England for the english in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@ToMmY-ToXeN wrote:
no dogger, you was banned for spouting racist cr ap in the middle of a quiz! GD works hard so users can enjoy a quiz, they don’t need you spouting rubbish about “p akis should f off out of england, england for the english” during the quiz!!
i have about twenty witness that will know that to be the lie it is
you really are a…[
kevin replied to the topic hamed jailed in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
@kevin wrote:
not for nearly long enough
this overt muslim
this religous man
what a w an kerWhat the f/uck has his religion got to do with driving a car to fast, with reckless intent, and causing a serious acccident?
Locked up for dangerous driving- simple as- bringing his faith into it says more about you than about him
he’s the…[Read more]
kevin replied to the topic CHAMPIONS LEAGUE in the board The locker room 18 years, 9 months ago
@ChatHostUK wrote:
No no no, they wont win if they play like they did this evening. But then again as a Spurs fan the last thing I want is for them to win. Sods law we will hold the 4th spot for nothing if that happens.
what a tit
kevin replied to the topic Mighty Whites return………. in the board The locker room 18 years, 9 months ago
@Bad Manners wrote:
Dont make me laugh Dagger. The Mighty Shi.tes will rot in the Championship for the next 5 years.
wanna bet?
kevin replied to the topic new sunday night drama………the moors murders….WHY??? in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
haven’t read any of the comments
it happened it was and still is grotesque to any semblance of decency
dosen’t mean it should be consigned to a bad memory
do war films glorify war? -
kevin replied to the topic Racism in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@American Woman wrote:
I think your quote at the bottom of your post says it all. :roll:
as does your location
kevin replied to the topic why do we let this happen… in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
if it was me ruby the second they said i’ll have you arrested
i would have argued
well you clearly no its wrong to throw stones
(JC users please take note)
kids work on logicality -
kevin replied to the topic why do we let this happen… in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
well your not and i can only take comfort from that
kevin replied to the topic why do we let this happen… in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
i’ll just have to accept i have no sense of the english language
kevin replied to the topic why do we let this happen… in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
how else would this pillock read that
violence breeds violence -
kevin replied to the topic why do we let this happen… in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Pete wrote:
spare the rod spoil the child
use the rod only a matter of time before it is turned on you
kevin replied to the topic why do we let this happen… in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
kevin replied to the topic Racism in the board Getting serious 18 years, 9 months ago
@Becky wrote:
Simple post, Racism is wrong in any way shape or form!!