update??? on what??? the fact that i moved 250miles from my home, or that i’m not living with my fiance or that i finally got off my ass and got a job…or did you want an update on something else? :shock: :lol:
hiya sharon xx
hows things with you two ladies(besides having yer men doing yer heads in? :lol: )
i did that, was working out 7days for at least 4hours a day and it did me no good at all. your body needs the time to recover and will actually be better off for it. just stick to 5days and take the other 2 as rest that your body needs.
i know you’ll probably think i’m spouting crap but im training as a personal trainer so i have a lil idea of what i’m talking about :wink:
generally i don’t make them but this year mine are just going to be….get my life in order and drop another dress size….every woman’s new year resolution i think that is :roll: