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active 6 years, 3 months ago
(There is 2 groups type A and type B –
TYPE A – is chatters who troll/bully a lot of times if not all the time they troll/bully me or and others for no good reason/s, also people who lie about me or and others insultingly not banterly.
TYPE B – is chatters who are not trolls/bullys, but they say 1 or a few insulting things to me or and […] View
is this related to guests who should have a member name as they are supposly kind people, if so, it is a chat room with adverts……….. also maybe get rid of the known offensive member chatters who have not paid 99p, and give it to more respectfull guest chatters, but i know that wont work as we all have a different opinon about chatters.
idk who that guy is, if u mean some person spamming, yes i get the prob u have, but if it is just some person posting things, not repeat things thou, let them do that, as it has the option to do that, and yes certion chatters complain if they post videos or images, they say things like “i dont like that” or “stop posting it is making me computer lag” that is there prob not the posting person/s, or with typeing they says “shut up” “or dont talk about that” “dont say that word” “shush” ect, to many people complain what people type or and post, it is not a school, as to me they think they are teachers…..they just controlling people, i bet they like that in person aswell or they not like that in person but think they are the boss online as they dont get that thing offline, also there is a block button for evey chatter, also idk if certion people know this, there is also a button called – log out……
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
oh i see, him, yes he got angry as someone robbed his stapler in school.
the others on my list and STAP where made in a lab, like; abola, swine flue and h.i.v, herpes, clap, plauge, ect, so greedy people make cash selling meds that make people worse.
sorry i wud love to sign but i dont know how to write.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
yes if i need to but i dont only for food, drinks, bath room and or kitchen chemicals, as things i have bought for more permanent, just not worth it, poundland or any uk pound shop dont buy these type of things ;
desponsible gloves – get holes in them to easy
black bin bags – get holes in them to easy, and rip to easy
tin foil – dont last long in the oven compared to say asda tin foil rolls
manicure set – the scissors dont cut good or and brake in half to easyly – Nail Clipper broke in half, and dont cut thick barbs or and toe nails
earphones/headphones – they brake to easy
( happy shopping at a £ shop, i am aways here for the opptimistic opnion/s, dont tell WHIZZ thou, he gets angry like the hulk. )
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
also if the normal become odd, then they wud prob be bullyed, so the table wud be turned, so the past odd wud be called normal so they wont get bullyed, but the past normal will be called odd, i dont know if i have explain it good, erm lets try again if say 90% of people wear all the same clothes or and makeup or whatever, certion people of that 90% of people wud bully the 10% of the people as they look different some way, but if say 90% of the people did what that 10% of the people do, but at the same time that 10% of people changed to be what was normal so they become part of the 90%, then they will still will be seen as odd as obv the 90% changed to the 10%, hmm idk if i am explaing this right lol.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
i dont have a prob with men wareing makeup, but i dont get when women or and men, ware so much make up they look like a clown or someone different, i mean can u think of a situation where someone has pale skin, then they put fake tan on or and a lot of make up on, then they date someone who only attracted to tanned skin people, then they find out the other person has pale skin, i dont think they wud be happy, i mean but i agree if people puts make up on if say for a spot or something like that, but not on things what are permanent, and yes i get it is not just about how someone looks it is there personalty to.
also people judge by what they ware, i am not botherd what they ware as long as i dont see there genitals, yes i dont get men who where female clothes, but they can do it if they want, the reason why people bully people who have odd things on, as that is it, they have odd things on compared to eveyone else, if we all started waring things what people atm call odd, then them people who wear odd things wont be bullyed, as then the normal people will be odd and the odd people will be normal, it is like race, people attack other races as they are ignorant morons, but if say u had more = mixed race/s and maybe when they are kids mating friends with another race/s, then u prob have no ot littel racist morons in the world,
i mean i like it when people where odd things, yes not all people, but i have seen 2 people who i liked what they was waring, one was a guy who has a lot of colour clothes on him, the other guy look like someone from the matrix with the glasses and massive leather coat.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
i ware odd clothes LIND and think different like most normal people as i dont want to be like other normal people, people follow rules and things in life, as they think they are expected to or they to dumb to not be there self, or anxious being there self, it is diffiult to fit in with people who are mostly different to are selfs.