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  • #1074044

    to many controlling people in the member only room, they will force people in the other rooms by there own doing, i have gone in there mutitudious amount of times, and many times not many people even talk, but saying that it is good and bad for obv reasons, but tbh every chat room and the other jc chat rooms, there is always one type of teacher person in there, not the good type aswell i mean the one who tells others what to say and not say, stop being so controlling it is not a good human trait.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
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    a lot of trolls do talk bollocks if not all of them, they always say the most dumb things, it makes me think are any trolls clever.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
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    there is a difference between banter, and attacking someone to get a boner, what surly trolls like to do.

    also the prob is not all people have a strong mind, so obv wud mently be effected by some scumbag troll, but yes they can just log out but maybe they are type of people like trolls who might also have a prob connecting with others in person so they choose online, but sadly they will also get the people who want to make them feel bad about there self, and self harm an even try to kill them self.

    trolls dont seem to understands words can menally hurt weak minds, i mean look at these dumb trolls who think what they type to people wont mentally effect there victems. – Charlotte Dawson tracks down and confronts Twitter Trolls  –

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
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    kind :good:

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    anyone notice that certion people who want STAP back are people who are not right in the head?

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    also look at these dumb trolls thinking what they say dont mentally harm people – Charlotte Dawson tracks down and confronts Twitter Trolls
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    CHROME i agree but also dissagree with u relating the freedom of speach act –

    DISSAGREE – right people should have the freedom to say what they want and how they want, but STAP is abusive to me and many other chatters he even shown me a list of people who he insults daily, i mean for example to day, he thinks it is funny saying i dont have no brain, tbh it dont effect me, as i just know he has some prob like (toddler brain) in a adult scull, like all on my list, u are aswell CHROM for being insulted angryly to me one day, with lack of understanding what u did wrong, what was obv dumb of u, but anyway he dont mentally effect me like other chatters if they did then i prob get angry and or upset and self harm and even try to kill my self, but certion people dont understand i have a strong mind so there insults and or threats to me dont bother me, but my point os anyway, is that just as they dont hurt me mentally it dont mean if  dont hurt other chatters, i mean weak mind chatters, alos why does it matter if STAP is worse or not worse than some other parrasite type chatter aka (toddler brain) chatter, what is that saying – 2 wrongs  dont make a right. :negative:

    AGREE – now i do agree people should be allowed to say what they want if it is not bullying someone, as that is surly what freedom of speach act is about, also to me when some chatter is saying dont do that dont do this, that is controlling they are not a teacher, so they should not act like one, have u seen what is happening to f3, that is what is happening in f3 to many, people who are sensitive with how people commuicate with people, but not bully them, f3 wud prob be dead in the near future. :good:


    oh yer STAP i thought we where bff, but i have heard u block me now :cry: i love u xx


    i never block STAP, as it is funny how much anger and bs he types, other scumbags i do block  or and ignore them thou, as i get board of them at times,  but other times i give them attention, they are lucky when i give them attention as they wud not get it in person from me, i wud just say a few words or and sentences then keep walking or i wud just keep walking, as i dont have time for scumbags offline, but online they think they are great so i like to give them the attention, it keeps them off the streets bullying people, i do wish thou they show a video of who they really are, as i mean if they like to try and make people self harm and even try to kill them self, it wud be great if they can show us who they are, i am sure they wont be botherd if people knew what they looked like…..


    i think as BLUE said there is a mixed response from both sides…. well i say STAP is a outstanding, angry sewage on toddler brain troll, as in on my list, for being some scumbag people dont want on this earth, but sadly people know people like him, are actually real walking talking humans, maybe he needs to learn about respect, like all people like him does, and if they can not then they will still be (toddler brain) – adult scull humans, sadly there is not a cure atm for them type of parrisites that feed on the weak mind people. :negative:

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