McDonalds always gives me a mcd hangover, i mean feel like i need to puke or and stomach pain, my cus has colitus he needed a shit not long after having a mcd, yes he obv sensitive to types of food, but i mean just as other people dont have bad side effects from food, in fact i knew a guy who says he never gets virues or stomach pain blah blah, but it dont mean certion types of food dont damage the people who dont seem to suffer side effects, and i seen a prog about this guy who has mcd for a 1 week or a month or whatever, and i dont think he finished it, as the rubbish food gave him cirrhosis, like a alco, and it did not help that one nutritionist said to him it is ok to have mcd some times in a week or month but not all the time then another nutritionist said dont have any mcd as it is bad for u, can we not have better nutritionists lol, god i hate when one supposed expert says something different about whatever topic compared to another expert.
(i have seem to not really promoted mcd here, this is why they did not allow me to do there adverts for them lol)
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