yes ikr KING i think there is two types of people a follower or a leader, follower type of people can deal with bs in a company as for leaders, they prob really hate working for someone else, defo with a company with bs about the company, i dont think most poeple like there job, and yes for one to be self employed it is obv a big cash or and mental health gamble, there have been people have said if they did not become successfull making a bussiness, they will get off the earth, so them type of people, if they worked for someone else, i blv there mental health wud massivly be effected, if companys fixed probs with there company and paid fairly u prob have less peopel unemployed and also more people happy with there job and also less people thinkng they wish they where self employed, i blv people who are self employed not only as they want to be, but they are as they dont like how they are treated by a company/s they have worked for, so they needed to be self employed to have one less prob in there life, to me to many people who work for others from what i have heard hate there job, my dad hated his job he got depressed, any person who thinks working for some company what prob has prob with the company wont give someone cash and mental prob, really need to stfu, they are obv dumb relating to mental health.
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