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    i wish there was robots as it will abolish cash as it wont be needed and it will get rid of jobs humans dont want to do


    oh DRAC i was just looking what people was talking about on page 14 then seen – Draculina – The rather insensitive comments you’ve made about Daniel’s suicide being a result of his own psychological state – his not being strong enough to just ignore the cruel things being said to him –


    so i wanted to see what the prob was i cud not find the post but i seen something what made me want to comment, then i cud not stop typing lol


    [10 July, 2017 at 6:03 pm


    I will provide an example of the most mild trolling possible, which i did earlier:

    Person : Andy Murray is the best.
    Drac: Is he the golfer?
    Person: Tennis drac
    Drac: Tennis is the one with the bat, right?
    Person: Racket
    Drac: I thought that was rugby
    Person: Lmao drac

    Clearly the other person realised that I was trolling them at that point.]

    god sake bullying and trolling is the same thing, they are both types of bullying, online or offline if people have a weak mind and some troll/bully knows that or dont know it yet, well it cud be to late, the victem cud be self harming or even kill there self, time and time again i have seem many deaths just by online bullying/trolling, tbh DRAC that example, that seems like a joke to me i do that a lot acting dumb i see that as banter not bullying, it dont seem insulting, yes i know u said – (mild) thou, but i dont think people should use the word troll in that context u posted, what if it was like this hyperthecally, as this is what i call trolling/bullying –

    JN VIC how old are you?
    victem: 40 JN
    JN are your female VIC?
    victem: yes JN
    JN: do you have any friends VIC?
    victem: no JN
    JN: ha you fat old bastard, who has no friends, as u are a dumb freak VIC
    victem: i dont like that JN please stop
    JN: oh shut up you pussy, god die in the corner no one will care about some wrinckled loner like you awww hahaahaha you spaz VIC
    victem: why you so horrible to me?
    JN: VIC you are just a worthless human VIC, you know that, as you see no one likes you lol doh now dont cry now weak cunt hahahahaha

    (people need to stop using the word troll as something good or and bad, it should always be used as bad, it is as dumb as certion usa people using the word nigger as like – “you my nigger you are” what means “you are my friend you are”,  or “that is sick” meaning “that is great” even thou sick means puke…. the logic of certian humans really makes me think is that movie idiocrasy real, if people are allown to use one word with mutible meaning them that is going to make communication more difficult, wait to late, we have that already called the – Thesaurus, anyway)

    the prob is thou with bullying/trolling is it depends if the victem sees it has bullying/trolling as others cud see it as banter not bullying/trolling, like for example, i was walking to the shops one day, and some guy said to his friend “oh no it is a caveman” he was talking about me, i said to him “excuse me do u know where my cave is i have lost it” but he was that dumb i had to remind him as he said “what?” i had to explain it to the dumbass “well u said i am a caveman” then he starting loling, as he got the joke then, now i cud of been offended what he said to me i cud of said “why did you call me that, that is nasty i am not a caveman” you see someone else would of been sensitive about that comment.

    also people have called me a troll, ha dumb naive people, anyone notice the people who say that to or about me, are on my (toddler brain/twat syndrome) list, also they are on that list as one or more times they have disrespected me, they made the error being horrible to me, so if anyone thinks i am trolling someone stfu, u dont know the fact, even if they not on my list the same logic is applied to it, also there is people who say some dumb comments like “if you attack people who are horrible, you are as bad as them (2 wrongs dont make a right)” actully i dissagree with that dumb comment, right as how is it wrong for someone to attack someone who attack/s me and or other kind people, to attack them back?, i only see one wrong here the troll who attack/s me or and other kind people so that comment – (2 wrongs dont make a right), dont really work in this context.

    also there is always chatters who say dont attack them, obv as they like that chatter who is being attacked, or they dont know them, that is a type of controll telling others dont say that dont say this, people like different people it is as simple as that if people dont like people attacking someone, as they like them, that is there prob not yours, i mean i dont like certian chatters but i know other people i like, like them chatters i dont like, and also i  know chatters who dont like someone i like, but i dont choose sides and i wont chooses sides, unless i seen the start of the story of why people i like dont like someone else i like, tbh it is rare seeing the start of the storys of this contextual prob, i have only seen it a few times,

    also there is people who want people to agree with there opnion about some chatter like for example – “JN ? is a right cunt anrte they?” i dont do that unless i actully agree with that, even if i dont like the chatter the person is talking to or about, if i dont like someone i will put my own opnion in the chat room about them, also i might like the chatter so obv i wont agree with that type of ?, also that type of ? is another type of controll, as they want people to agree with them like to make mutible people bully one person, i am someone who when i have something to say negitive or positive to someone i will do it how i want and in my own time, not when people beg me to agree with them about some chatter, and at times people want me to defend them, i say to them i will if i know what to say, dont moan about me not defending them, it dont work like that, obv people dont always have something to say, and also people need to learn to defend there self, as for me yes people defend me but i am not botherd if they dont defend me, prob as i am use to defending my self as i had no one doing it for me when i was younger, so i maybe it is something i dont need while others do need the defence.


    11 November, 2017 at 1:44 am

    Topics: 2
    Replies: 40

    Down to 15 stone 7 as not had a drink in 6 days. Going to limit alcohol consumption to once a week. – u see here he says he is happy in life but look it seems to me he drinks alco as he is not happy in life, i get that i use to eat a lot of unhealhy food as i did not care about my self and i know others who eat unhealthy food when they not even hungry, as again they dont care about them self, so to me STAP obv dont care about him self and uses alc to ignore how worthless his life is, as he is a type of person who dont choose to be loney and dont want to be loney yet he is as he is a nasty person, so he drinks as he is a social reject, yes i am not saying all who drink alco and or eat unhealthy are like STAP, just certion people such as STAP, he prob has no idea why he has not got a gf he has been trying to get a gf for 20 years, it is as he has toddler brain, and no sane chatter cares about STAP he is not worth there time to care about.


    15 October, 2017 at 11:39 am

    Topics: 2
    Replies: 40

    Thanks all for messages of support. My starting weight today is 15 stone 6 pounds so the target is to get under 14 stone 7 pounds by 15th November.


    11 November, 2017 at 1:44 am

    Topics: 2
    Replies: 40

    Down to 15 stone 7 as not had a drink in 6 days. Going to limit alcohol consumption to once a week.

    Half marathon next weekend. – i see his prob, he does what i use to do eat a lot of unhealthy food, but he is using alco, the reason is, as he is not happy in life, so he does that as he dont care about him self, ha STAP blv he has a good life, stop joking to your self and others kid.


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    lindaclemenza7, rubyred


    11 November, 2017 at 3:25 am

    Topics: 43
    Replies: 867

    I worked in offices for over 20 years, If I liked the look of the stapler they often ended up in my handbag and went home with me and those who write their name on in it tipex – that is just daft, it can be very easily scraped off, if I like the look of it, its mine sorry. – ha dont let STAP know that he will get even more paronoid who robbed his stapler lol

    Well done for weight loss.  Arent you now kind of at the weight you started at? – ha ikr that is so funny, so funny i am adding it to my massive file, as STAP thinks he is clever but look at this lol, another example why he is not clever, so STAP has not lost enough wight he is just going up and down up and down lol  – (something that he might never do with a women unless they are very dumb, like STAP as no sane person wud go with a crazy person.) STAP – :wacko:   :negative:  


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    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.

    (it is actully – 83.33% – not a retard – as i included – the people from the – thread – Am i retarded – JUSTNOTHING –

    lindaclemenza7 – no
    misterq – no
    ge – no

    orson kart  – yes)

    anyway  @youhavemystapler  wanted this – thread  – to be made so i made it,  –

    so here is @youhavemystapler  using the guest name  obv trolling me, i have more info about what he said to me and others but we dont need to see the nasty rubbish he says –  Guest 756  – is – @youhavemystapler  –
    justnothing, you’re fucking retarded
    Guest 756
    Oct 27th, 12:13:07 am

    you were always a retard
    Guest 756
    Oct 27th, 12:14:06 am

    just nothing, do a poll on the boards asking people if they think you’re retarded
    Guest 756
    Oct 27th, 12:47:04 am

    just call it “poll to see if i’m really retarded”
    Guest 756
    Oct 27th, 12:51:00 am

    just if you change it to is stap retarded it won’t be funny. it has to be you
    Guest 756
    Oct 27th, 12:51:31 am

    give it 2 weeks just and tell mizzy to not troll your thread with crap as you’re looking for simple yes/no answers only
    Guest 756
    Oct 27th, 1:15:37 am  – so i did, so the date is now – 11 nov 2017, – so i listend to him and look he still failed with is dumb plan aww.

    Ha STAP it dont matter that your plan to troll me did not work, as you could maybe win the competition, with the topic related to being a social reject, what you obv are offline and it seems online to lol doh, i am still shocked that you have been banned 2 times, yet someone keeps unbanning you, even thou you habitually troll people who are kind.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
    1 member liked this post.

    ha i dont think many will do that as they dont like how they look and might have a weak mind, even thou it is half the face, also i bet no trolls do it, even if they did they wont put a real photo there, as obv people wud know who they are, oh no they dont want that do they, as for me well many people have seen me now in jc, also i dont think people need to see a image of me for to long lol.

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    ha loling is not my xmas, even if i had a good xmas i dont like that fact it is on that day every year like a habitual prob, it is better getting presents on non bussiness type days like xmas money making habit, also the reason why well one reason people do it, is as they work to many hours getting paid not much, so dont have many days not working even then, not all people have the 25dec off, i bet if people did less hours and less days working and a fair wage, people wud slowly not do xmas as they wud beable to other days commonly.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.

    hi i am JUSTSCROOGE this is a message to the sheeple, dont bother with xmas this year it is just a bussiness. :good:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.

    :good: song got it

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