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active 6 years, 3 months ago
(There is 2 groups type A and type B –
TYPE A – is chatters who troll/bully a lot of times if not all the time they troll/bully me or and others for no good reason/s, also people who lie about me or and others insultingly not banterly.
TYPE B – is chatters who are not trolls/bullys, but they say 1 or a few insulting things to me or and […] View
SASSY aka @just-me who is my cus, u seem like a talented happy kind person, it wud be nice if more people was like that, i am some person who does not forgive and does not forget, i hate to easy, if more poeple liked each other and respected them, the world wud be a better place but unfortantly it seems a lot of people are disrespectfull people, i mean look at a lot of ceos, mps, and managers, royals, a lot seem greedy, selfish, dumb, crazy, type of people kind people suffer.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by JUSTNOTHING.
hmm attraction i get that i just dont get the point of relationships apart from the ?ing emotion – love, tbh asexuals dont really think much about sexual things aswel, i mean idk why wud someone want to go with the one who is not the one they fancy?
one thing i do get thou is if u act like u fancy the other females, then u can see if the one who u really fancy, gets jels of the other females.
i am 31 now with a small amount of friends, but in 2004 and before 2004 and to 2015, i had had no friends, so when my dad died in 2004 then a few weeks or months later my pet cats died, then other relitives but anyway i had no friends, my bro had friends and a gf, he always had friends he was not my friend he bullyed me and his friends bullyed me, anyway so me and my dad did jujitsu at a jujitsu club, we all where doing jujitsu moves, at the time i was doing a move with my dad, then a few minutes later my dad stopped doing the move we where practicing or just repeating, and he was looked at by the sensei, and he knew something was wrong with him i think, unless my dad said there is something wrong with him to the sensei, idk, anyway i helpped my dad to the car he got in and i got in, then my dad after a few seconds blackout, i thought he just went to sleep oddly, as i did not understand it then, anyway then a few more seconds, he puked they got the ambulance there, they used a defib on him in the carpark, then they took him to a&e, my sensei took me to the a&e for me, anyway i was obv standing there in my gee, waiting to see what is happening to my dad, anyway they sent me and my mum and bro and his gf to a smal room, then we waited there for a few minutes, then some person came in saying “sorry your dad is dead”, we all went in the room where my dad was, he had a oxg tube hanging hout his gob, anyway he died of a aortic ebbarrism aka a clot to the main heart artory, anyway so in 2004 since my dad died it felt for months or a year maybe, that i blv my dad was going to walk in the house from work, i even had a dream he was at the house door, my bro coped with it by getting even more drunk than he did before and more days he did it, as for me i distracted my self with tv and music that was when i found heavy metal rock music, what helped i liked singing the rock songs and feeling temp good, my bro got pissed off one day as i had the music on loud, but it is ok for him he had a gf and friends to talk to, i had no one not even him, tbh i think i delt with the death of my dad and cats better than him when he had more than me but got very drunk, anyway now in 2017 it is easyer for me, i feel like i forget bit by bit about my dad, while still trying to deal with life probs, and my own mental health prob, yes death changes people, it makes us more angery but tougher mentally, people who dont know me have no clue about how low in mood i have been, they will never know totally if at all unless they got super low in mood like i have in my life.
if someone had a gun at me i think i would say “right i am going to wait for u to come near me enough to get a good shot in my head, as i want to make it easy for u, also i will turn my head in the way what wud be a good way for me to die and not be left alive but damaged bad” i say that as death dont scare me, also i am not botherd if people threaten me, just do it if you want to hurt me ffs, just do it that i die fast cheers , if i was botherd then i wud some how try and get away from u or and even attack u even if i get damaged.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
(PIXI this says – You may choose one or more response – u dont need to put that sentence there as obv people are only allowed one responce, also as u know u dont need them 2 # near the 1 and 2 i voted by the way.)
i voted for – no, the reason is men have many images of women and or videos, so it is only fair for women to have male images and or videos.
tbh seeing people male or female as objects is ok aslong as they treat them with respect like obv not do things they dont want them to i mean physically, actually talking aswell, genders just have to respect the other gender, the prob is what to say and what not to say, i mean if say someone was talking sexual to a female, it dont mean it is bad, but if it is abusive talk then it is bad, unless the female consent to it, same with physical things, i mean as for me i dont have a prob if females was talking sexual to me online or offline, even thou i blv i am a asexual, it is about respect, tbh thou it dont happen a lot for me online and never offline also not many cute looking people look at me or even say sexual things to me offline, it is ok as i dont think i have the type of brain to be bothered about that, well not anymore anyway i use to when i was young, like how i look and who i am, the only person who mentally or and physically hurts me is my self now, no one else and no obv no female comes to me given me there number, tbh i thin i am happy about that as i am mentally unstable, i would prefer people to go to non mentally unstable people, if they are attracted to them if they just want to be sexual with them or want a relationship with them, to me it is best to go with a mentally stable person.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.