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active 6 years, 3 months ago
(There is 2 groups type A and type B –
TYPE A – is chatters who troll/bully a lot of times if not all the time they troll/bully me or and others for no good reason/s, also people who lie about me or and others insultingly not banterly.
TYPE B – is chatters who are not trolls/bullys, but they say 1 or a few insulting things to me or and […] View
the prob is how wud one know who is lying, as someone cud use the emoji in relation to another chatter, who is not lying, u cud have a sistuation where trolls miss use the emoji to chatters who have not lied, then dumb people wud blv the trolls not the person who has been said they are lying when they have not, actully that happens anyway, people just blv chatters what they say what obv shows stupity, actually one person on my list thought i talked bs about them when they was not logged in, as supposlys someone told them what i supposly said, so someone either stired to them, or they blv to easyly what means they are dumb, anyway that is what happend, then they was a bad person to me, then i add them on my list, anyway the emojis what should be here, is the puke one and what about a stoned one, there was a puke one, but martin abolished it, maybe he thought, “not a lot of people get drunk and puke so it is pointless having that emoji now,” hmm who knows, all i know is many chat rooms have mental prob, bad personalty, alc prob, drug prob, in them.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by JUSTNOTHING.
i have heard he use to be a street cleaner, i dont think he is clever thou being the education mp, education in the uk is damages like the nhs, so anyway maybe he should of just contiuned cleaning the streets.
yes i get your point @supreme-overlord-paigey u insult people who u blv have insulted u, but what about this comment, so can u elabarate what u mean when u say this comment – to many gays, what do u mean? –
it looks ok, but tbh it is a gamble i have no clue if it is a joke or not, i dont think i will be going, it wud be better with people we like and are decent poeple, not just a lot of poeple who we dont know and with no plans, we have no clue what all people are like, it cud be horrible if see met trolls.