my experience with drs is they are mostly incompetant, and they cleary dont have no intell about mental health, all I see them as is some human drug vending machine.
also the way I see things in life about mental health, is people need to try all different ways to try and fix there brain, and never refuse any type of way.
also she said max is 18 50 m to 60 h sessions, but that dont mean they can not add more, it is just the max they have had there I think, but obv the crap dose of funding for mental health, it cud be lacking essential sessions.
also with mental health idiots think one fix will fix all, it is simply not true, someone cud be say anxious for some reason, and someone else anxious for the same reason, it dont mean they can both be fixed the same way and or same time period if at all.
also if some medical book says for example “someone with bi/manic d, can be be happy for 30 min then suicidal” it dont mean 30 min is fact for all people with that mental prob.
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