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  • #1097097

    I have connections with people like interest/s but still I feel like I am in my own group


    SOP hmm u also said u think people show show there face… it sounds contracting


    SOP STAP did not like how his poll went, I guess people have intell…… also it dont matter when u lose SOP it is not like it will improve your offline life.


    I dont think all giv a fuk about being the best, I think many are ok doing a job like a robot, I guess they are ok untill the robots take most non artist etc type jobs, or just when things become to exp etc.


    are u saying u are some type of god @supreme-overlord-paigey  if yes… can u not fix things on earth?


    zeus is that another fictional god?


    there is also a difference with narssisitic personalty disorder/god complex and superity complex.….

    yer just embrace satun I mean god… to show u the way.


    SOP I feel u want to be better at something in life, this obs with how u look and blv u are better than others sounds to me like – superity complex also megalomania.


    yes I know u was joking MIST I was just injecting some pointless  supposed fact in this thread.

    I mean I think all we are waiting for is the finish of this survay, but it seems to never finish, lol how many years wud this be here ffs, It dont seem that political or something, normaly there is a end time with survays, maybe she is waiting for one more yes then she will close the survay lol, if that happens then the survay is corrupted obv, well I mean nothing different to them mps, so maybe just let it happen as it happens again and again offline anyway so fuk it one other corrupted system wont do no harm…


    if I was a optimistic – (autistic savant) I cud tell u………….

    also I dont like Jesus Christ type days, like 25th dec etc, even thou supposly it was not the date related to his birth or whatever shyte.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
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