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active 6 years, 3 months ago
(There is 2 groups type A and type B –
TYPE A – is chatters who troll/bully a lot of times if not all the time they troll/bully me or and others for no good reason/s, also people who lie about me or and others insultingly not banterly.
TYPE B – is chatters who are not trolls/bullys, but they say 1 or a few insulting things to me or and […] View
I remember 2 times people missunderstood me, but it was actually as they said there comment without asking me one or more ?/s about what I was talking about or they just did not wait untill I finished saying my comment –
one time in jn chat room I said – “I have not had a shower for a week/s” then some idiot person said “u dirty bastard” or something like that, anyway then I said “as my shower is broke, and they wont tell me the date when they can fix it”
offline I had a prob with some other idiot that idiot is my bro, so anyway his gf is a model, when I seen them 2 we was talking about things, and one thing I said is “I think say people who say like to be a model dont have to be a model they can choose something else if that modelling dont work like more choices is good in life” then my dumb bro said “there is nothing wrong with people who are models jn my gf is a model”, first thing is I knew she was a model as he told me another time, so he is dumb saying that, second thing is, he did not ask me why I said that and he did not ask me any ?/s about that, 3rd thing is he I think interrupted me at that point, before I was going to elabarate more about what I mean, but then he and my mum and maybe aunty and or his gf was then talking about some other topic, so I cba to explain to some dumbass what I mean when I said that, so what I mean when I was saying that if I extended why I said that is, I mean it dont have to be modelling it was just a example of a type of job I thought about at the time, what I ment was it is good if people knew there was other choices they cud do in life not just one job intrest, it is good to have mutible interests for some type of job or hobby etc.
the thing in life we have to some how deal with what is given to us what is bad given to us, if we can not then it wud obv damage are life, that fact is thou people will like us but others will hate us, also others can be dumb with whatever topic, what dont help us obv if it is related to are life, but again we just have to some how deal with bs we get from people.
what about “give us a smile” or “are you happy u best be happy” wtf, if people ask me them things I lie to avoid arguing or talking about whatever, as I dont know them and I dont like talking about whatever prob all the time or to all people, one person said to me one time “give us a smile” I just came out a respite building that day, and where I was and she was she was near the sea, I just wanted to push her in the sea, obv I am jels of happy people, but dont say bs things like that to me, as it dont improve my mood, it is as odd as if someone lives there life by some relgion, hoping to go to heaven or some bs like that, yes and if god was real then satun is beating god up, also other say “u have food and water and elec and a roof” yes and…… I dont compare my self to people say in Africa etc, if people accept bs in the world then they are sheep, I dont accept bs in the world it pisses me off, I will not be a sheep doing what I am told, I dont give a fuk If u like that or not tbh, things in life are made it dont mean what is made is fair and it dont mean people have to accept it, as long as people are like sheep nothing wud change for the better, also anyone who says killing one self is selfish, I wud say have u ever been sucidal? and yes tbh it is selfish, but it is not like they are selfish with other things in life, from my exp when I have been sucidal, I can not think right and dont have postive thoughts in my head, also I had no one there for me, so unless anyone has been to that limit in life, then maybe think before u say your opnion, as one day it cud be you.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
idiots wud say work = happyness, yes tell that to my dad who fuking hated his job, it is just a dumb comment, people can be unhappy working or not, I bet one or more of your staff dont like there job or do but still not happy in life.
someone cud be depressed about something and someone else cud be depressed for that same thing, it dont mean both can be fixed or and the same way and or time the sad fact is not all people can be fixed, if people cud then there wud be obv less people with mental prob if any.
also some chatters who have a job and moan about chatters on gov cash benifit, is that all they want to do get angry on a chat room related to people on benfits, just as u had to pay for them, if u dont like that u are paying for people, then why the fuk did u even start doing a job, yer u cud say “as I wud be homeless” yes well u can not win then can u, if u have a prob with people on benfits get the law changed, I just dont get people who moan in a chat room about that topic ffs, does that make them happy moaning? and do they think if they attack people on benfits, that wud make them people on benfits say “oh ok I wont get benfits now, I will get a job just like that”. also I know 2 trolls who are supposly self employed who log in moan about jc then troll people, how sad is that, and them 2 people have been in jc for years, yet they are both self-employed supposly, so yes they are there own boss and must be successfull, yet they tell people to just get any rubbish job where some ceo makes so much cash and they wont make fuk all cash, also if they get gov cash benfits, and the benfits are = or more than working for some sht company, what incentive is there for people to work? work + annoyace + unfair pay vs same or more cash benfit with less annoyances, u choose, also them 2 people I mentioned are not happy and obv have mental prob/s they are dumb, they have been here say 7 years and moan and troll about the same thing, how can they be happy lol, why log in a chat room and moan about the conv then stay in there and log in again and again lol idiots, why dont u buy some art or somethng with your extra cash what many people dont have, others just have enough to pay bills.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.
u can also say that about them idiots who have no clue about mental health, who say just “cheer up or I had it so if I can fix it u can” bs like that, and then there is other idiots who have not had any type of mental prob and say dumb bs like that.