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active 6 years, 3 months ago
(There is 2 groups type A and type B –
TYPE A – is chatters who troll/bully a lot of times if not all the time they troll/bully me or and others for no good reason/s, also people who lie about me or and others insultingly not banterly.
TYPE B – is chatters who are not trolls/bullys, but they say 1 or a few insulting things to me or and […] View
i get bullied by my trolls, how i type as i make a lot of typos, my typing and writing are bad deffo my writing, but actually in person i can talk perfectly, if i understand them or not is another ?, also i have notice the trolls who target mine and or other peoples typos, make typos to, also they get pissed off with there self when they make typos and us when we make typos, they spend all there time correcting there own and other peoples typos for some odd reason, yes i correct or try to correct my own typos at times, but i am trying not to and i dont all the time, it dont piss me off thou if i do typos, i just either correct it or i dont, also a lot of trolls seem to use there phone so they will have less typos, as it will prob auto correct there word, i dont have anything like that on my computer, for jc chat room, anyway people who are trolling by when i do typos, are not that clever, as if they are a obs orthologists, even thou if someone did a typo and the troll corrected there victem, it actually makes the troll look dumb, as cleary the troll knows what someone means, so why do they correct there victems typos…….. it is obv a mental illness for them, if they get angry with there own and other peoples typos, also they are dumb blving in a non english learning chat room, if someone does typos, then it means they are dumb, why dont they say that to richard branson, he is certianly not dumb, vs some sad dumb unstable troll, bad typos dont = dumb, it is all about good communication.
but, yes i dont always understand what LIND is saying, but i try my best to, it is not just about her thou, i struggle a lot with other peoples typing posts, as i am not that good a english words, there is to multitudinous words in the super colossal compendium of to multitudinous words, we cud be meaning the same as someone else, but saying it in a different with different Synonyms or just like a different way, like if i said “that is the dogs bollocks” anyone have a clue what that means, it just means that is great.
i totally agree with SCEP about not everyone can deal with a insult, it is the type of way i think about types of people.
also i agree with MIST that people get called this and that, but with no factual evidence, they call us things then we call them things back, yet idiots call us the troll/bad person/bully, odd world.
A complete lie about the bit about me saying I was going to cause trouble on the board hugs ! Shame on you ! – tbh i have not researched if she said this comment about causing trouble on thread or not, also people do change what people say to make them look bad, when they are not bad, but anyway if ROSE did say this comment, to me she is being sarcastic, that is the prob with sarcasm, i and others dont always get it, i have never had a prob with MIST, HUGS, ROSE, also things offline and online can be seen as fact but cud be fictional, i still have now idea why MIST is being called a troll can u tell me why u call him a troll HUGS?
i like cold weather, also it is good when it rains it temp gets rid of vomit,blood,snot & spit – (from camels), statue turds, but then it comes back also anyone know why there is always one glove? i might collect them then find someone to see if they fit them
yes they can ignore it SCEPT, but it wont matter, people will always wrongly judge (Defamation of character) also by others, the prob is we live in a world where it seems there is a lot of dumb people, who will get triggerd by what people say about someone, like if someone was called DAVE who u knew the who goes to the pub, someone cud call DAVE a peado then idiots will start insulting him, and others wont insult him but in there mind they will hink, “but maybe what was said about him cud be true, i wont take that risk with him near my kids”, etc, if someone was being attack they cud be mentally affected by just one negative comment to them, yes it is not good, but not all people can deal with what has been said to them, if people get a lot of insults from people it can make the prob worse, as it cud make that person being attacked, become anxious and less likely to trust humans, and paranoid thinking what was said about them, people might blv that even thou it dont mean they will, people are dealing with one or more mental prob/s in there life they dont need more probs caused by other people, and if they where low in mood they will prob focus on the insults what people have said to them and self hate and hate others, humans need to be more selfless not selfish, people wont understand people unless u have been in there shoes, if people cud deal with insults easy, then u wont have people self harming and even killing there self just by words, some people understand how to deal with insulting words to them but others wont know how to deal with them.
also anyone who says “trolls do it to get a reaction” does that make it ok?!, oh he called me this and that, does that make it ok for them to do that?!, (defamation of character), if that was offline they prob wont dare, it is prob related to the (hate crime act) or and (public order act) or and (malicious communication act) etc, anyone who knows trolls, and likes them people who starts a prob for no good reason needs there brain testing to see if it lacking intell.
This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by JUSTNOTHING.