Sorry lord, but mags you are an insignificant ass. You are the most undignified person I have ever seen. You have more issues than everyone on jc combined. Your judgments are just that, yours lol, feel free to keep your comments to yourself, if you think anyone cares about what you say or do you are sadly mistaken. I can’t see how you look yourself in the face, just cause someone disagrees with you, you become a very nasty person, far from what YOU think. Your words are mean and hurtful to people and you don’t even care. Your so distasteful and immature,it is unreal. I feel sorry for your mother. She must be so embarrassed of you behaviors, All I have ever done is disagree with you and the way you treat me and many others is appalling.I feel sorry for anyone who crosses your path unwittingly, for you could be the person that pushes them over the are such a liar and despiteful person, I feel sad for you. I can love everyone and be a positive accent on everyone’s life, I am happy to be the opposite of you. I will never change my good heartedness as for you I will pray…..
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