so many polar opposite views and not helped by comments that can not be verified such as nobody voted or supports a no deal brexit. that was not a choice and arguments still rage over having a deal or not etc. bottom line is or was democracy would have been asking the people to vote for leave or stay ( which they did) and follow agreed method of doing the electorates decision. being give notice via article 50 .( that took a year) then. Uk should have left exactly 2 years later . a deal or no deal was about parliament having its say as part of the democratic process. however they refuse to agree any deal and thus we get extension after extension. that is undemocratic ! so Boris or not we need an election to give country a new direction and get rid of Mp’s whom refuse to allow democracy citing ‘bad for UK interests’ . it is irrelevant if UK does badly by leaving as that was Not what country was asked .
sorry Linda have to disagree with toilets . I used to have to check both when doing rounds as security guard in many offices. factories etc and ladies were by comparison so much better .cleaner and nicer smelling than mens . most of the lists shown are probably not abhorrent but just dislikes . such as litter etc. apart from a few politicians such as T Blair and full Burkha I don’t really have a list unless you wants to start on dislikes? then. I’d need several pages lol such as why do people not put right turn indicator on until the light changes to green when in right hand lane. why use those ear massages ( they look like mobile phones but we know they are illegal when driving) when driving all the time or having an entire arm resting outside car and not on steering wheel etc Ok rant over back to reality
not worth responding to such a biased point of view. Why not just say you hate tories! and no I am not a Tory supporter and have voted Labour ( but won’t do so now)
strange that comment box can have a ‘like’ tick box but not a ‘dislike’ ? not keen on certain attitudes expressed though agree right to give point of views they feel they want to express. right or wrong leaving EU. unless Uk actually follows the voting ..then there is no real democracy and no point voting again. you may hate the way vote went but to set aside result is to set aside the struggles that occurred to get a fair voting system and allow females to vote etc. its Not all about economics . ( if it was maybe we ought to me a member state of USA?) there are no winners here.
I don’t enjoy airports . very over crowded .queing etc getting rid of bags and then the slog through security with shoes off belt off etc . I can recall taking my kids to Disney. on sth flight we asked Dif our sons could go see cockpit . 5 isn later stewardess. took them both. up. these days nobody allowed within 5 feet of cabin locked door. shame . then you have teh collecting bags scuffle .everybody in a hurry get elbowed aside and so few obey. teh. keep back lines etc overall not ideal.