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    very much against creationism but each to own. both my brothers are heavily religious but luckily unlike many other certain religions don’t try and shove it down your throat or remove your head! like any theory (which is essentially a belief) it has to stand scrutiny and debate. for my part as long as religion isn’t trying to kill or otherwise harm me I am willing to leave it alone. only other point I might make (  here I get flamed to death)  is that clearly. many are taught ( brainwashed?) form early age to have a certain outlook.  This is fully recognised as a sort of one way route and few rebel against teaching as a child with exception such as father xmas, fairies and water sprites etc .  funny that little balance of probabilities and clear logic is taught alongside and history is still taught by ‘winners’. ergo Egyptian and others written history is know to be often false.  :mail:

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    wife had slight headache for few days .I got headache. sore throat and chest pains for 2 days.3rd day was  feeling better and 4th day all back to normal. chest ( lungs?) pains were a bit worrying and wife and son wanted me to contact doctor but its ..its a man thing .you just don’t  :wacko:


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    political ideals are always sought ad never reached. for what is perfect for one can be seen as extremely distasteful or even morally wrong by another. Democracy is essentially one vote per person for all citizens of legal age. (Totally disagree allowing children to vote..if your not old enough to be legally send to jail or called up for armed service in time of need..your not old enough to get involved in adult things that  affect us all)  And to affordable housing. there is no such thing unless we are talking about say a mobile home or caravan etc as land .building costs are way outside of many lower class possibilities and driven higher each year by  population expansion with limited land making these with funds and property in perfect place to gain form others  lack of fortunes in life. Many  breed far beyond the means they have of. affording and sustaining their offspring. rewarded by system that  does not apply restrictions thus adding to housing  difficulties and other issues like welfare.  We will always see long diatribes by left wing liberals, often well heeled and not really involved in street life and lower classes in real life spouting free education. medical care .housing and and quoting UK as 5th wealthiest in world ignoring fact it is trillions in debt and on verge of becoming a banana republic. such rose tinted glasses and views on others are nice on paper but fail in real world much as communism does and socialism is doing now.  Enough said.  no doubt a heavy flame throwing session against my ( poor working class background and life etc) will ensue as my views do not fall in line with their own liberal ..laurel throwing and perfect ideals on why Uk is such a bad place in world!  of course thought of leaving us never occur to them!  :mail:

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    no as I don’t live there. polarity of views seems to be order of them day in world.  here inUK we have Brexit versus Rejoin EU .. China with Honk Kong freedom lovers against communist rule and various other mini wars and conflicts all over the globe.  sadly mass population growth seems to be only real link to all.  :wacko:   :wacko:


    lucky not change here but hey we did manage a walk  .lol ;-)

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    goal posts keep moving but all information is available online check with her majesties pension service. was set at 60 for females and 65 for men with expectations of men dying at average age 67 and females 70 .then ageing population ( demographic time bomb ) made it enviable as average age of living  well exceeded goal posts.  with current covid and economic situation governments. are already looking at ways to reduce payouts and increase taxation even on pensions.  bottom line is country cannot afford to keep supplying huge benefits as as we see with NHS what was a very (very) small stamp price to insure our health service through our life was provided, that  too became impossible as more and more services were provided to an increasing population size.hence was changed to a percentage factor like income tax and is expected d to increase every decade. initial projections are that almost all of us will have to provide our own pension  ‘pot’  through our working life and tax will increase to fund society to a point where majority of earnings are in fact taken from us  simply to keep it all working.  Pyramid system of ‘growth’ is eventually unsustainable but all countries have adopted this as way forward. :unsure:

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    I think we need to opt in for TV license …so BBC has to compete with others such as sky etc .then u can watch or ignore and not have to pay for something you may not want! not exactly democratic is it ! :scratch:


    a dead end to this story it seems  :wacko:


    😁 dead right too!

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    yet rent the sky asunder . light flashing forth and reaching to  depths we wonder. :mail:

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