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  • #1141270

    net curtains are so old hat its assumed you must be over 80 if still have them!



    won’t be donating to RNLI  anymore. (wife is a volunteer there) as found out they have given over £2.000.000 away  overseas to ‘educate’ and provide swimwear /lessons etc . If a UK charity can pass on such sums not dedicated to its functioning. .Then clearly does not need  my offerings! T :scratch: hought UK overseas aid budget ( billions) ought to have been enough already.  still never heard of a charity yet that can get enough funds .. so is RNLI only one over  supported ?


    all beyond me ..but then most say I am not all there anyway lol.have a lovely day. :wacko:



    just saying hi. old member but still alive and kicking. hope room keep going as  apart from the normal? idiots you get in chat rooms. there are some  nice pleasant users . luckily they have a sense of humour ( deals with me well) nice to hear From Martin. Good luck over pond. :bye:


    house prices  will always rise as demand due to population increases always outstrips supply. there will be a time when sizes of home are restricted eg flats and when food rationing comes in ( eventually due to world demand to feed its billions)  family growth might be stifled .eg  no support for breeding .  sea change but too late to affect  house prices now.  investors will alway s push up prices anyway. many buy housing purely for income streams as as they get richer they buy still more try seeing what interest you get on say £500.000 in savings versus owing a property for same value in right area !  you can understand why so many want to buy! if we had a system that prevented anybody ( private or business but not pension funds) owning more than say 4 homes.. and stopped population expansion by removing rewards for breeding..we might start to see prices stabilise and even reduce. :wacko:

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    1st. jab .day after chest pains :wacko: ( felt like lungs inflamed and painful ) lasted 2 days. avoided calling an ambulance or going to A &E . 2nd jab with same vaccine = zilch side effects. 🤗


    aware all issues and ongoing new spread. having seen videos and pics of some areas where  new type is spreading we can easily see lack of face masks and social distancing . So not surprising so fast a spread.    We also hear certain sections of  community in UK do NOT want to be vaccinated. Though at moment it is not compulsory one cannot help wondering is we changed our rules a wee bit. Not  to make it compulsory but if you refuse ( as to not being offered it) vaccine and catch Covid then need  High level hospital services? how about THETY pay for it! after all was their choice to risk infection. much like not wearing a seat belt and having an accident . at moment  society sees need to have  that as compulsory ( as to a vaccine ?) but do not charge idiots NOT wearing a belt in an accident . we need to start using a bit of common sense and those that risk our lives and own  have to bear responsibility for such actions and decisions.  :wacko:

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    life goes on. sad times and difficult but without elections in power is free to do as it likes almost. So we need a rein on politicians .Just imagine giving them an excuse NOT to have elections .eg Brexit. Covid. economic issues. immigration and so on.  yes hard though it might be and to some not relevant  elections are very important.  :mail:

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    I try and stay open minded. never seen one. my  mother told me a story when I was about 14/15 of her and a friend whom was into the occult. My mother didn’t believe her so she started chanting  something.. then grabbed my mums hand and yelled “run” . when my mum looked back over her should she saw a dark  robed figure like a faceless monk shaking a fist  at them.   I have no reason to disbelieve my own mother and have attended a meeting given by group whom investigate ghosts etc . 2 of the group recounted seeing a ghost themselves which is why they joined (formed) that  group.  gave a huge lecture on past . historical records etc  but at end of day we have to make our own minds up. I remain sceptical.  :unsure:

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    might be nice to have a face to put to a name in rooms..however all live far away so impractical ( possible exception being young kent) and other half might take a dim view of me meeting anybody! :scratch:

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