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  • #1148458

    things change.  not always for better .  one or two of us still clinging on here :yahoo:


    the question is ..are we enjoying and chat?   I enjoy 2 out of three.. don’t ask!  so where is your enjoyment in life? :mail:


    used to pop in most mornings and just before lunch .Kent used to be around in those days too.  these days odd visitor and Kiwi  as regular backstop. just in a different time zone so conversations are not exactly  riveting.  shame as was a really lively chat room once.  no idea where everybody has  gone .no doubt other chat rooms they enjoy.  I end up talking to myself but so far ..not answered  :wacko:  lol


    sorry to hear about leatherjackets issues. my sister in law  had cancer of breasts ( both removed) and have friend with ongoing cancer. another whom died from it etc  wife currently on ECG monitor .stage 3 kidney problems  and I  get breathless  and chest pains at times . so old age? or just life.  wishing everybody a good year despite problems and may life improve for you all.   as for sex /groove.. hmm not sure I can remember any of that ..:(  still life goes on and why do we ask why about things when we know we may not get an answer ? :wacko:


    sorry I come across as boring and weather chat  etc but with nobody to have a convo with its not easy talking to yourself. site was alive once and had bit of banter with  interesting people like young Kent.  kiwi seems to be around and at least kicking. maybe once a week ? chat for a chat slot?  possibly midweek latish ? so people have chance to get chores and daily life out fo way but before bed?  only need a half dozen possibly to begin with.  I don’t like to ams about others on personal matters eg health issues  etc as not my business and thats normal private anyway same as my health concerns are ( still alive and kicking at moment :) ) . wish all whom have bene members and used chat rooms a good year ahead and good health .  hopefully Jolly Roger might not se me as so boring if we had a convo or three lol  :cry:

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    I pop in when I can used to be during day ..often chatted to others such as young Kent .. now I pop in morning and very late at night . as nobody in (kiwi now and again) I don’t hand around and will often just leave a message but not always.  enjoy your  xmas all. :)



    unable to access room . I use Firefox a very common platform. :( shame I have been a visitor for many years too. looks like now Locked out. wish anybody else managing to find way in best of luck. :scratch:

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    no matter how long away .the site needs chatters :) so  a warm hi to you  :yahoo:


    surprised I even get on score card as I only pop in randomly so just chance if get to a quiz .. good luck to those that make serious effort and well done to leaders. :yahoo:


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    one with the wind .

    a film based on turbulent affair during a civil war but emotions flew around like unfettered leaf.  :mail:

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